Need Volunteers to Help New Members

2 replies [Last post]
admin's picture
Joined: 1998/07/13

If you would be willing to help new volunteers when they email asking for help, let me know and I will forward emails to you. You will be responsible for helping new members learn how to use PostPoems.


If interested, email:



Jason Minton
PostPoems Admin

allets's picture
Joined: 2012/08/19
Website Admission Beyond Security

I am in a network with business people and professional family members - can not let a program beyond my firewalls - I am under other administation protocols - if can be done on my pp account, okay, but not via address - can this be done? I would love to help new poets navigate. I can take the easy ones and pass on the one's I can not accomodate. - crews



allets's picture
Joined: 2012/08/19
Help New Poets

Sure, send them on to me, I'll share what I know (not picture or video literate though). Just the main stuff. - Stella L. Crews aka Lady A