
3 replies [Last post]
Sivus's picture
Joined: 2003/03/11

What is your purpose in life, if any?

DarkLight's picture
Joined: 2013/05/24

My purpose has yet to be discoverd for me.  I am only a freshman in highschool, so I have a lot of time to deside.  However, I have always wanted to change someones life for the better, and I hope I can meet them if I do.


Sivus's picture
Joined: 2003/03/11
That's very beautiful and I'm

That's very beautiful and I'm sure you'll have plenty of time to learn about and improve at raising your plants. Good luck to you.

and_hera_met_zeus's picture
Joined: 2013/03/15
my purpose

i'm lucky enough to know my purpose.  it's plants.  i have no idea why.  i've always felt they were sentient, conscious beings even though i have no real evidence to support that.  there is a large oak tree that is actually accepted by all my family as another member of our family.  my parents had a few dates in that tree.  things like humanity's constant obsession with mowing lawns irks me just a little bit (who needs a little thing like safety?  lol).  so i garden and study plants.  now i'm learning about wild plants and foraging.  i would like to learn some herbalism too.  i love that i know my purpose but unfortunately i'm still really lousy at it.  it took me years to stop killing my houseplants.  i hope i have a lot more years to work on this...