Fred is Dead thread dead?

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arindhol's picture
Joined: 2003/05/24

Ok, the new site doesn't recognize me as Sein und Zeit anymore. So now I am stuck being Arindhol. Meh.


Anyway, looks like all the great threads of yore are gone; PostPoes: The Movie, Fred is Dead, Soapoperaville, etc.

I knew I should have printed them out. Oh well.

Parthenogenesis is as parthenogenesis does.

arindhol's picture
Joined: 2003/05/24
almost 6 years old.

almost 6 years old. 


found PostPoems: The Movie but not Soapoperaville or Fred is Dead and who knows what other great ones we lost.

Parthenogenesis is as parthenogenesis does.

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