Good Morning Everyone

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eltrue's picture
Joined: 2000/09/09

Good Morning


Good morning restless choir songs,

Invading passages their scores,

Fire and ice fray head strong,

The traveler's place unsure,

Bold actors chant self serving,

Impromptu at the door.


Good morning lights encroaching,

icy fingers stab the glass.

Sleek swords of light in motion,

cutting shadows on the sash.

The looking glass creeps open,

enticing golden bowls to act.


Good morning clocks keep seeking

the conscious thoughts to flow.

Dream sailors are retreating

Eldorado's shores of gold.

A mirage of goals conceding ©

the slumbering lids unfold.


Good Morning! 

People don't run out of dreams they just run out of time.

mlevesque's picture
Joined: 2010/11/06
Bonjour. Comment allez-vous

Bonjour. Comment allez-vous aujourd'hui ?
