Site-Wide Comment Activity: All Authors

saiom commented on: Living Halfway by RudyPoetryColle... 2 years 39 weeks ago
response:   there are millions of better options out there.. than someone like that person
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saiom commented on: Heart of Ice by RudyPoetryColle... 2 years 39 weeks ago
new year prayer:   may God send you the perfect soulmate
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saiom commented on: One Night Lonely by RudyPoetryColle... 2 years 39 weeks ago
  'The time has come to:   'The time has come to reclaim my power –    wonderful line..a powerful reminder that. when we are in love with someone we have lost some power..
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saiom commented on: My Favorite Lie by RudyPoetryColle... 2 years 39 weeks ago
response:   brilliant   absolutely brilliant
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saiom commented on: Too Much of a Good Time by RudyPoetryColle... 2 years 39 weeks ago
thought provoking:   to leave in such a situation is to pass a difficult test ...of letting go 
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saiom commented on: When I Was Your Number One by RudyPoetryColle... 2 years 39 weeks ago
response:   wonderful content and wonderful rhyme.. if it's autobiographical.. may someone much better come into your life
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saiom commented on: bitter sweet by Morningglory 2 years 39 weeks ago
excellent:     would that all parents realized that   a great poem
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saiom commented on: control struggle by Morningglory 2 years 39 weeks ago
wonderful:   that describes so many!!  wonderful
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saiom commented on: Victoria Ortiz-Morales by owlcrkbrg 2 years 39 weeks ago
rare and beautiful:   a rare and beautiful love poem
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saiom commented on: Carla by owlcrkbrg 2 years 39 weeks ago
  Carla and her:   Carla and her husband they're not bad they're just sad  
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saiom commented on: RESTLESS NIGHT by georgeschaefer 2 years 39 weeks ago
very valuable:   great poem... bard's shards are very valuable
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saiom commented on: IGNORANCE (pt?) by georgeschaefer 2 years 39 weeks ago
yes:   words of wisdom
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saiom commented on: WHO'S ON TOP? by georgeschaefer 2 years 39 weeks ago
response:   i love the limerick meter
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saiom commented on: 10 PENNIES by georgeschaefer 2 years 39 weeks ago
10 pennies: hope they're not feeling rejected
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saiom commented on: Marsha by owlcrkbrg 2 years 39 weeks ago
re Marcia:   1st chapter re Marcia   are more coming
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