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saiom commented on: In My Arms by DaveBrowder 2 years 37 weeks ago
magnificent:   'without you there's no me' magnificent
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saiom commented on: Starlight by DaveBrowder 2 years 37 weeks ago
response:   What woman would not want to be the subject of such a love poem
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saiom commented on: Nests So Shallow by owlcrkbrg 2 years 37 weeks ago
horrible: horrible tale.. with 10 million variations    
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saiom commented on: Lord by exthias1983 2 years 37 weeks ago
  I had that happen to me in:   I had that happen to me in sophomore year.. i was so discouraged.. and then by the mercy of kind teachers I got a 3. avg when I expected a 1.   The miracle of their generosity turned me around   God give you many miracles
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saiom commented on: THROW THE LINE by georgeschaefer 2 years 37 weeks ago
response:     To recruit you George into the army of the protectors of fish is the secret wish of every fish
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saiom commented on: DISH DOG by humanfruit 2 years 37 weeks ago
'Feeling the fingers of death: 'Feeling the fingers of death tickle me'  Unique    creative     striking    May angels give you the winning numbers to a lottery ticket so that you can do the work of your heart
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saiom commented on: PROVIDENCE by humanfruit 2 years 37 weeks ago
My teacher said the lauric: My teacher said the lauric acid in coconut milk is conducive to meditation   coconuts so divinely wrapped to protect inner fluid   Thailand.. such a gentle culture Baba, my guru, said that in a life preious to his life as the Buddha, Buddha came across a starving tigress and her 2 cubs and laid his body in front of her as a sacrifice she could eat (Maybe in 1000 lives I could do that)  
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georgeschaefer commented on: TRAGEDY UNFOLDING by georgeschaefer 2 years 37 weeks ago
so maybe I'll try to grow up: so maybe I'll try to grow up backwards like Benjamin Button and see how it flies
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saiom commented on: Saiom: Beati Misericordes . . . by J-C4113D 2 years 37 weeks ago
response:   Thank you S. I'm afraid if I took out all my criticism of public figures I would have a quite truncated list of poems.
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saiom commented on: A Warm, June, Day by owlcrkbrg 2 years 37 weeks ago
  They are waiting in a:   They are waiting in a better place... those they have left behind are not ready to leave this plane, imho.   Starward sent a link to our founder Jason Minton's recent tv interview.  I thought the youtube was misspelled but I was wrong ..
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Spinoza commented on: The Language of Wonder by patriciajj 2 years 38 weeks ago
I very much enjoyed this:   Even men have sisterhood through the moon. It is a clarity of being that makes us one. The sexes play a part yes, but come a distant second, in my opinion. If you just look at the work Starward is producing, it is plain to see – there is a powerful interplay of light between all elements. And as you say “the unknowable touches the dense world” in all of us, though I would pause at the threshold to wrap it in sisterhood. Because the teaming night sky is ripped open by love, whether it be man, woman, angel, or otherwise. The arrival begins none other, than where it enters the heart. And that is the playground where light chants with God in a swarm of stars – making all things perfect though our imperfection. That tiny departure mentioned, I very much enjoyed this.  
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allets commented on: 14th Way Of Blackbird Viewing by allets 2 years 38 weeks ago
Thanks: I would and do applaud back. Insurance gave us such "Tink and tank and tunk a tunk tunk." . ~A~
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Starward commented on: 14th Way Of Blackbird Viewing by allets 2 years 38 weeks ago
Pop Stevens would have: Pop Stevens would have applauded.
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patriciajj commented on: Cow Reading Leviticus by saiom 2 years 38 weeks ago
The title roped me in.: The title roped me in. Delightful humor in this little parable. There's an Indigenous American story about the introduction of disease in the world: when humans hunted the animals too much they got together and decided to bring illness to humans. Each one would bring a certain ailment when its flesh was eaten. That's why many indigenous nations would ask for forgiveness from the spirit of an animal after they killed it for food. The hunted had the last laugh.    You're right that meat, especially red, is a carcinogen. 
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patriciajj commented on: Rodentophiles by saiom 2 years 38 weeks ago
I had an adorable gerbil: I had an adorable gerbil growing up and I've always been one of those strange people who loved rodents, with or without a bushy tail. Some people here in my neck of the woods even hate the squirrels. One guy used to sit on his porch and shoot them just for sport.    You make an excellent point in this delightful poem. 
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