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allets commented on: Medical Limerick by allets 2 years 31 weeks ago
It Took Time: wresting with rhyme and rhythm patterns. I can do 'em okay but still "paraphernalia" is a stretch and a favorite. I may write more. We need laughter. ~A~  
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allets commented on: HIDDEN FLAWS, HIDDEN GEMS by georgeschaefer 2 years 31 weeks ago
Good One: Self control or care not - both work for me. ~A~. 
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georgeschaefer commented on: LOOSY GOOSY LUCY LIMERICKS by georgeschaefer 2 years 31 weeks ago
nice.  this was inspired by a: nice.  this was inspired by a picture of Lucille Ball taking a taste of some harsh medicine
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georgeschaefer commented on: THE BLANK GENERATION by georgeschaefer 2 years 31 weeks ago
I like your writing too. : I like your writing too.  Thank you
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allets commented on: You Never Get Old To Me by lyrycsyntyme 2 years 31 weeks ago
Simply Stated : . An anywhere walk. What women want! The big wins, the breathtaking achievements cause different joys. Simple joys are glue, sealing a simple declaration of life-long love. . A Valentine poem. . ~A~. 
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allets commented on: 6720 by allets 2 years 31 weeks ago
Fragility: . Reminds of the heat range we must retain around us to live. Pressure is another range, like blood sugar and oxygen levels. Control those and matter falls in lock-step beside mind conditioning. We all do what nature demands, humans know power lies in owning access to nature. (Did Putin miscalc?) I referenced Beckett earlier today; faith, the only thing that over-answers everything, even imminent death, even the self-preserving instinct to run. Can't argue it, best to acknowledge and relegate the greatest questions to something writers embrace: imagination. I pray to the universe, humans play it tight to earth and lifeforms on it. Why so limited? Religion is a stairway to belief and ultimately understanding. Imagine a world where faith was banned and religion firbidden. Unholy wars would outnumber the Crusades, dwarf Genghis's billion, and be responsible for every lifeform that ever died on Sol's third born. I like a good story. If good enough, and accompanied by a pyramid, the writer will be remembered long. Heard any good Ramses or Isis jokes lately? (The other Isis):D . Live long and in health prosper! . Lady A .  
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allets commented on: 6720 by allets 2 years 31 weeks ago
Thank You: . I love the smell of optimism in the morning. Like a sun almost completing its horizon vault, a glow. Up from sleep to encounter a dream. You rock! ~A~    
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allets commented on: Cooked Limerick by allets 2 years 31 weeks ago
A Reply: To georgeschaefer's cook-limerick. It tackled the edge of an aesthetic nerve and shook. Lims are fun. ~A~ 
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allets commented on: The First Iris by patriciajj 2 years 31 weeks ago
"Before the descent...": . Nourishment rides from the decay of the past, old varigated leaves tumble and crumbling leaves wither beneath winter. . A green fire tip, another. Iris fur. Anticipated, a miniature rising from rubbled gold-beige gardens. Gone into green, into bloom observed, often vased as still life. . Lady A .      wither
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patriciajj commented on: Yet [*/+/^] : 27.225 MHz, Some Final Measures; *All Ye Stars Of Light*---Psalm 148:3; A Sonnet For Patriciajj by J-C4113D 2 years 31 weeks ago
I'm beyond gratified to read: I'm beyond gratified to read this astronomical wonder and deeply humbled that you dedicated such a treasure to me. I'll tell you honestly, that even if I wasn't attached to it in any way, I would be spellbound by this poem of the highest order with its vastness of thought, its profound significance to "our stellar souls" and its deep dive into realms most poets never dare to go.    Now here's something strange: I'm getting ready to post a new poem and, as always, I'm hung up on one or two words, but when I do post it you'll notice a similarity between a concept I tried (all I can do is try) to tackle and the eleventh line of your poem. I assure you this was entirely coincidental.    Thank you again and again for a gift that will be remembered through this life and, most likely, into the next. May God bring you every blessing. 
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Starward commented on: Good Advice Received During My Freshman Year by J-C4113D 2 years 31 weeks ago
Sure!: Sure!
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Pungus commented on: Good Advice Received During My Freshman Year by J-C4113D 2 years 31 weeks ago
Please: May we message more?
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Starward commented on: Good Advice Received During My Freshman Year by J-C4113D 2 years 31 weeks ago
Thanks for asking, and yes it: Thanks for asking, and yes it is.
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Pungus commented on: Good Advice Received During My Freshman Year by J-C4113D 2 years 31 weeks ago
Wow: Is this truly biographical?
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Starward commented on: Titanic Pride, Silenced by J-C4113D 2 years 31 weeks ago
Thank you so much.  Coming: Thank you so much.  Coming from you, that is a high compliment indeed---and I appreciate it deeply.
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