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lyrycsyntyme commented on: WHAT ABOUT CHINA? by chris 2 years 28 weeks ago
Conspiracy is the nature of: Conspiracy is the nature of business. It is the nature of government, as well, historically. Put the two together, and you get a mega-storm of conspiratorial behavior. All that really means is that, behind the scenes, things are done one way, with a certain purpose, but then for the public it is presented another way. Most "conspiracies" are open information, just tucked to the dusty corners in hopes people won't find it.   There's over a 100 biological and chemical attacks that our own government have perpetrated on us - sometimes with direct participation of corporations - between the 1930's and 1970's. Nothing more recent has been released, yet (50-75 years, always, before redacted documents see the light of day - all criminals involved dead). A few have been publically discussed, such as the government spraying diseases from prop planes onto the black population in St. Louis during the 1940's, and the more infamously known siphillus experiments done on black musicians during the height of the blues era. But those are just two of countless, and tested on a wide variety of populations. In short, it's not new.   As such, while you are certainly right that solutions are paramount, we also need to know if there are perpetrators other than mother nature, because if that's so, then the solution offered may turn out to be a further part of the problem. Hence, Moderna's patent is highly troubling, to say the least, since they are now profiting massively off of the shot sold to us as a solution.    
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: The Biden Administration by saiom 2 years 28 weeks ago
Business as usual, indeed.: Business as usual, indeed.
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patriciajj commented on: The Biden Administration by saiom 2 years 28 weeks ago
During the primaries I was: During the primaries I was frustersted by the way the Democratic party suppressed the voices of Progressive candidates who could have made some desperately-needed changes and threw their support behind the stale, centrist (meaning trying to please everyone) candidate:  Biden.   Of course the man who voted for that horrific crime bill in the 90s (responsible for the racist and merciless imprisonment of many nonviolent offenders) would keep the status quo, so none of this surprises me.    God help us. 
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patriciajj commented on: ALONG THE WAY by mil57man 2 years 28 weeks ago
I'm catching the beat of your: I'm catching the beat of your spirited rap and at the same time I'm elevated by the wise counseling that rides its pulsing waves. Very comforting, mesmerizing and intelligent work. 
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allets commented on: Banquet in Dreamtime by patriciajj 2 years 28 weeks ago
Yes: we are it - stardust, as earthdust, as sun ashes - yep. Touched by fire to look around at other dust varieties. Pasted stars , Batman!  ~A~
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patriciajj commented on: Veined Hate by allets 2 years 28 weeks ago
Insightful reflections on: Insightful reflections on joy's powerful words. There's life-altering guidance in your worldview: "Revenge takes on formulamatic edges,/  unacceptiveness remains when there is no/ resultant justice. War offers none."    May wisdom prevail in the storm. 
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tumbleweed commented on: Perplexing Purple by saiom 2 years 28 weeks ago
Hmm: Someone once told me I had a purple aura and they said it was a negative
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allets commented on: WHAT ABOUT CHINA? by chris 2 years 28 weeks ago
China?: . Blame mongers point at power-okay fair much of the time they are the appropriate "they". Conspiracy vs what Plebians are told, discover, then there is what happened. Truth gets kinda iffy unsure over big events. Taking a position is less important than solutions. A 4th jab? Here comes B-2 less deadly? BORDERS - used  2 B A bookstore. A wall. The edge. Now, to keep in and to keep out. Vlad defies, usa over polices, I miss the bookstore. ~A~. 
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allets commented on: Wedding Guest (Part IV) by allets 2 years 28 weeks ago
Finshed It : I chuckle at the parting lines. Anti-romance writer this week. I cannot tell you how many times I stopped and laughed out loud. Wit, as promised! ~A~ 
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: WHAT ABOUT CHINA? by chris 2 years 28 weeks ago
Fair questions : Borders, though, I would say are for us, the pleebs, the peasants. Barely spoken of, it has come to light that Moderna had patented a gene sequence that exists in sars-covi-2 three years back, before the diseases appearance. According to the study, the mathematical odds of this occuring by natural coincidence is just 1 in 300 million. Moderna is not a Chinese company. But, as I'm sure you already know, these corporations and the government institutions that do free work for them have a habit of working together. Again, borders are for us, not the ruling class.
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allets commented on: Hold Your Breath by lyrycsyntyme 2 years 28 weeks ago
Interesting Literary Frame: . Almost satire, near sneered unsanctimony. Futility, the ledge from which to retreat. Below a deep quagmire of salvationless doom, another nail, more glue to the framework surrounding profound commentary on the future. The tomorrow's generations will curse us as we do our war mongering bomb dropping forebears, an endless repeating human planted and propagated pattern. Petrie dished, we imagine approaching the cannabalistic stage.  . Trapped by evolved history, now-products of plague we, the wise and weaker, stride on to the rock lyrics of the newest Fall. Eden was nice, we will say in serious rumination when civilization's boring trappings and "givens" vanish. . Lady A .
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allets commented on: ONE MAN'S (AND WAR'S) DILEMMA by joy 2 years 28 weeks ago
I May: Have to nominate you for an honorary Afram. "How do I ensure your hate will not start runnng through my veins?" 400 years of active resistance, to rebel meant death in ignoble and heinously applied applcations. Anger and the frustrations of futility exist as I type these hateless responses to inexcusable evil. You survive intil policy changes, war simmers down to an equable peace for this decade or denomination of days. War zones take guilty and innocent. Revenge takes on formulamatic edges, unacceptiveness remains when there is no resultant justice. War offers none. . This poem speaks of inhumananitarianistic practices and the need for humanism's return. Thank you for sharing ideation from this end of the emotional spectrum . Lady A .
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patriciajj commented on: Torn Asunder by saiom 2 years 28 weeks ago
An insightful argument: An insightful argument against "toxic corpse food" : Excellent choice of words that doesn't water down the reality of suffering and slaughter. 
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patriciajj commented on: Crescent Moon by saiom 2 years 28 weeks ago
A precious and uplifting: A precious and uplifting viewpoint. You know how to read the sky and inspire us. 
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patriciajj commented on: Cherry Tree by saiom 2 years 28 weeks ago
The price is much too high: The price is much too high for that desk. A heartbreaking and eloquent snapshot of the value of a tree. If we zoom out and see the wider effects of deforestation, we'll witness the devastation of the Earth itself. A vital message. 
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