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arqios commented on: branches of a tree by arqios 22 weeks 9 hours ago
Mighty glad to hear that.: Mighty glad to hear that. Thank you kindly. Physical and visual shapes are quite tricky when words do not always morph happily into the 5 senses.
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arqios commented on: poetics of breathing by arqios 22 weeks 9 hours ago
Thanks pjj! Indeed there: Thanks pjj! Indeed there appear to be more unwritten poems than those that see the light. Perhaps writing them out allows them to be shared and even possibly be immortalized!
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beaconzbard commented on: FORGOTTEN MOMENTS by beaconzbard 22 weeks 15 hours ago
It's now on YouTube: You can now watch/hear me read this one at:
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J-C4113d commented on: Stockings, Just Sheer Stockings by S74RW4RD 22 weeks 17 hours ago
No, I don't, but thanks for: No, I don't, but thanks for asking.
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deepblue commented on: Poet named DeepBlue by bishu 22 weeks 19 hours ago
❤️ : ❤️ 
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Teytonon commented on: Stockings, Just Sheer Stockings by S74RW4RD 22 weeks 19 hours ago
Do you recall this song?: Stockings, they are just sheer stockings Can't forget those stockings Sheer stockings I love   Crying, I cannot stop crying Trying to forget those Sheer stockings I love   Stockings, love those sheer stockings Why'd you ever take them off? They really turn me on   Stockings, miss your sheer stockings I need your stockings  Need them in my life..  
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beaconzbard commented on: DESTINY by beaconzbard 22 weeks 1 day ago
It's now on YouTube: You can now watch/hear me read this one at:
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S74rw4rd commented on: In Summer Fall by satishverma 22 weeks 2 days ago
I cannot define your style. : I cannot define your style.  I can applaud it (and I do); I praise it, admire it, envy it at times, study it closely when I read your poems, and I let its verbal power wash over me like a great and refreshing seabreeze.  But I cannot say what exactly it is.  So if you have a name for it, or if it follows a particular pattern or school of verse styles, please tell me.  But . . . more than anything else I might request here . . . please do not change it.
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S74rw4rd commented on: Why the Ravens Collect? by satishverma 22 weeks 2 days ago
Although I cannot fully: Although I cannot fully agree, theologically, with the first two lines, I am still very impressed by the poem itself.
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S74rw4rd commented on: Wearing a Talisman by satishverma 22 weeks 2 days ago
If I had the academic: If I had the academic qualifications to teach Poetry on an undergrad level---I mean, to teach the practical composition of Poetry (rather than simply doing readings of ancient Poets and such)---I would want to use your texts as examples; yours, and the work of one other Poet on this site, as the primary ways a young, aspiring poet should approach the craft.
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S74rw4rd commented on: Earth Takes the Price by satishverma 22 weeks 2 days ago
This poem makes me wish for: This poem makes me wish for something:  it makes me wish for a long volume of poems from you in this form.  The understated voice, the powerful imagery, the emotion that speaks through the words without overclouding them . . . wow!!!  You are one of the finest Poets on this site, and I have been far too neglectful and careless in failing to say this repeatedly.
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S74rw4rd commented on: For a Moonstruck by satishverma 22 weeks 2 days ago
Excellent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: Excellent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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S74rw4rd commented on: Death was not Safe by satishverma 22 weeks 2 days ago
I have been reading Poetry: I have been reading Poetry for fifty years, as of this past April, 2023, but I cannot explain either the impressive power for the definite effect of these words that you present in nine short lines.  I have fallen behind in my reading again, largely due to my medical situation, but I sure do want to catch up now. And I always love your subtle references to the stars.
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S74rw4rd commented on: Akin To Waters by cathycavalcante 22 weeks 2 days ago
It is a great thing to have: It is a great thing to have grandchildren.  My wife and I parented a blendid family (three children from our previous marriages), and they have now blessed us with seven grandchildren.  But . . . when the two great-grandchildren arrived, just a couple of years ago, we began to feel old.  We thought of ourselves as young grandparents, but "young great grandparents" seems to be a contradiction in terms.  
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Teytonon commented on: PEN OF PASSION by wisdomscry 22 weeks 2 days ago
This is amazing..: This is amazing. An impressive achievement and a pleasure to read. I'd like to point something out regarding your title PEN OF PASSION. You may not be aware of this, but if you take the letters which make up that title and scramble them, you'll come up with how I feel many women think when they think about a relationship with a man: PEN OF PASSION = NO PENIS? O, F. PAS!    
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