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allets commented on: THE MAIN REASON FOR NO MORE WARS by joy 2 years 23 weeks ago
Everyone In A War: Scars last until death for wounded, winners  or losers, and the combattants who survive run the world after the treaty signing. Humans are heiarchal and instinctvely form groups for safety. Very cave woman. More is never enough, power comes with massive wealth, ugly greed follows. Social levels: castes, class, empires to peasants organize to perpetuate wealth and resourse accumulation. Homo Sapiens evilved from hunter/seekers inti killer/takers. Human life loses value vs. the filled stronghold. Wizards bedazzle the followers and the fool fighters who protect he hive. Queens have cake dreams. . The Chinese dynasties lasted centuries - we rose exponentially from the dream of steam engines, later gas/oil And will crash too due to rising greed of the forgotten and enslaved. Cars, trains, electricity, planes, guns and micro chips created the neo-dynasties. That is human nature - to own the sky, space, seas, stuff, land, and other people. Having been once owned, the children can get in line behind 4 centuries of horror leaving scars. We suck at compassion. And empathy. To enact and enforce no wars you would have to murder half the world's people, and hold a gun on the survivors to assure compliance. Blood and dominance, death and scars purchase civilization bubbles that always burst. Tough sell: nice. Especially with oil and gas wars heating up. . ~A~ .   
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allets commented on: LONG WAY FROM KANSAS by georgeschaefer 2 years 23 weeks ago
Wizard of Draft: Imagine a world without beer. Never! ~A~. 
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allets commented on: Fear Of Dominance Loss by allets 2 years 23 weeks ago
That Is Big Greed: usa challenging russia's ubers is ironic. The next Depression will sneak up on the world. Hold on! ~A~  
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patriciajj commented on: @ 27.105 MHz: Vignette; Cosmic Bulletin by J-C4113D 2 years 23 weeks ago
The ultimate yard sale. Your: The ultimate yard sale. Your innovative and strikingly witty "Cosmic Bulletin" tells a story and offers some first-rate comic relief. The last line is a hoot!   It's encouraging that you're writing again. I hope that means you're feeling better. Sending prayers and positive thoughts your way. 
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patriciajj commented on: Recent Absence by J-C4113D 2 years 23 weeks ago
You have them! You are: You have them! You are greatly valued by this community. Thank you for letting us know how you're doing. Peace, comfort and every blessing. 
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patriciajj commented on: Fear Of Dominance Loss by allets 2 years 23 weeks ago
You accurately referred to: You accurately referred to our one percent as "oligarchs" who certainly do explain "Putin and his Chorus". Well said!.
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patriciajj commented on: Departure notes by ray_strickland 2 years 23 weeks ago
So glad I didn't miss this: So glad I didn't miss this one. A casual voice carries some killer metaphors and a theme that's instantly relatable, and the result is just . . . amazing. I love those down-to-earth details, that seamless flow and your daring wordcrafting:   "cornered dunces swimming in galactic amniotic fluid, staring back at you, writing wholesome cliff notes about your departure,"   Wow! Way to stun and shine.     
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allets commented on: Hypocrites(Low Point) by lyrycsyntyme 2 years 23 weeks ago
"Adam and Steve": I howled. Circular argument I recall from Rhetorical Logic. Futility as a theme. Hmmmm... Pro life/warrior. nice irony. Each generation rises from the ashes if the one previous searching for the new thing not under any sun. ~A~  
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Recent Absence by J-C4113D 2 years 23 weeks ago
That's great - inspiration amidst struggle sometimes gifts.: Look forward to seeing it, either tonight or at your next chance to post thereafter.
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allets commented on: Equations on napkins by ray_strickland 2 years 23 weeks ago
Okay: "fledgling flowers"
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allets commented on: cramped quarters by ray_strickland 2 years 23 weeks ago
Nice: Cool.
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allets commented on: Vista County jail by ray_strickland 2 years 23 weeks ago
You Took Us There: Your literary style captured detail, filled the cell around us. You have a gift for prose. . Sorry you got six days. Welcome back. . ~A~. 
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allets commented on: Departure notes by ray_strickland 2 years 23 weeks ago
I Live This Poem!: Surreal. Flight is in there, the connotations of departure the lap nuts packs - perfection images! I see this poem. Risky: "galactic amniotic fluid" - yep. This is the bestest poem you have EVER written!!!!! A fully knit-integrated art lit fact with form so unobstructed it flows. Where ya been keepin' that aesthetic? Smart, well sculpted et al. Fine work, voice? sweet! . ~Lady A~. 
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allets commented on: Stoner Utopia by elliot_jordan2003 2 years 23 weeks ago
Nothing Like Reality: It is my substance free world, no beer any more, my bottle of new apt. gift wine is in fridge unopened. Life gets me flying. Working has challenges, I flew above them, retired at 58. Tell me I did it Right and Righteous! . No intrest in opioids - My doctors are amazed. . Lady A . 
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Starward commented on: Recent Absence by J-C4113D 2 years 23 weeks ago
Thank you very much for that.: Thank you very much for that.
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