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georgeschaefer commented on: WORD ORCHARDS by georgeschaefer 2 years 22 weeks ago
wouldn't it be nice if there: wouldn't it be nice if there were word trees that would could pick like an apple tree?
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georgeschaefer commented on: LONG WAY FROM KANSAS by georgeschaefer 2 years 22 weeks ago
It would bring about the: It would bring about the collapse of civilization
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Starward commented on: Apropos of nothing by Teytonon 2 years 22 weeks ago
Have you read the Platonic: Have you read the Platonic dialogues?  I could never get through all of them.
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saiom commented on: SHY HITCHHIKER by georgeschaefer 2 years 22 weeks ago
it's very moving.. I nearly: it's very moving.. I nearly died once when Ohio .. wanting to see my family but no $ to get home.. I was picked up by a man who unbeknownst to me had a hunting knife and handcuffs.. i opened the door and ran
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allets commented on: Fear Of Dominance Loss by allets 2 years 22 weeks ago
No Revolt: We have little experience at that. we steal and cheat and undercut. Capitalism remember. Still, changing the subject:Trumpies taxes, Jan. 6th 45 day sentences (what?), Space X, ROE?,  or Ukraine refugees welcomed across Mexcan border no problem until 1-3 million show up. Still, New Mexico is burning - and GOP will learn Michigan is unstealable (I hope). . ~A~.  . ps: covid to spike this summer. Oooooh.
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Teytonon commented on: Can it be? by Teytonon 2 years 22 weeks ago
I a muse? I amuse you? You: I a muse? I amuse you? You think I'm funny? Funny how? You mean like a clown? I'm here to amuse you? What do you mean funny? Tell me, how the **** am I funny? What the **** is so funny about me? Thank you. I'm honored by your dedication.  
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saiom commented on: Special interests and inertial rot by orangejumpsuit 2 years 22 weeks ago
thank you: Thank you... Manchin is many times over a millionaire from selling the filthiest coal product around. He and Sinema are not Rinos (republicans in name only) but Dinos  Democrats in name only
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saiom commented on: Can it be? by Teytonon 2 years 22 weeks ago
 I dedicated a poem to you..:  I dedicated a poem to you.. you are its muse   What does Teytonon mean, if you care to share. I once lived on W 74th and miss the almost infinite options there
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saiom commented on: Apropos of nothing by Teytonon 2 years 22 weeks ago
wonderful wonderful...: wonderful wonderful... welcome back !!! The Greek Hebrew Roman cultures all are connected in language and culture to India where Sanskrit was the mother of all 3 languages. Some say that Greeks were kshatriyas (fighters) kicked out of India for violence. Perhaps we are all just projecting our own reality onto others.
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allets commented on: Untitled by elliot_jordan2003 2 years 22 weeks ago
Hope And Romantic: . Continue until total failure, we all have similar ideations - we are all of equal worth! Our value is incomparable - we belong first to ourselves. Survival not status is the goal. Wealth has to be guarded life-long, oligarch yatchs are being impounded. nations are starving, thirsting to death. We are blessed, no matter past catastrophy. Green Gables Anne with an E: "Each day is brand new with no mistakes in it!" Forgive all harmers and yourself - and survive! ~A~. 
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allets commented on: HAPPY MOTHERS DAY 2022 by joy 2 years 22 weeks ago
alpha-hats: Wow! And thanks for the honoring of moms.' . Mom Allets .
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saiom commented on: Money is obsolete by humanfruit 2 years 22 weeks ago
  it's always there.. like:   it's always there.. like the sun behind a fleecy passing cloud
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allets commented on: Eulogy for my grandma by elliot_jordan2003 2 years 22 weeks ago
So sorry for your loss: Grandmothers are treasures. May memories sustain you in your grief. ~S~ 
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patriciajj commented on: Stoner Utopia by elliot_jordan2003 2 years 22 weeks ago
Although I've been sober for: Although I've been sober for years, finding my bliss in a new way, I can still appreciate the artistry, accuracy and honesty of your expression, especially the "SMACK". Often I'd be disappointed when that came too soon. The window to "Utopia" always seemed annoyingly small in my opinion. Enjoyed the well-penned, second-hand high, but I'm glad I'm free. Nice work. 
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Pungus commented on: Can it be? by Teytonon 2 years 22 weeks ago
Fancied indeed: This was a pleasant surprise to read. I enjoyed it much. Thanks for sharing.
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