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crypticbard commented on: Poet, Speak! or forever be silent by arqios 2 years 21 weeks ago
Thank you so much. Your kind: Thank you so much. Your kind words of appraisal are most appreciated.  
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darkheartedvixen commented on: Serving Him by darkheartedvixen 2 years 21 weeks ago
I am grateful: Your comment so sweet was music to my ears. Visiting old bring life back into it from a different view. Take pen to paper and write about what you see, feel, what inspire you, write what you want and what you desire. This and only this is why I write nothing more. So Lady A thank you for your warm welcomed and touching message. I do not get comments to often.   Totally & Completely Gratefully Vix
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allets commented on: Colours by SSmoothie 2 years 21 weeks ago
One Day: For now, too much hate and murder against everyone. (Guns) As writers we have a responsibility to dream. You cannot eat a dream, however. (Inflation). Optimsm calls are great morale boosters. We need that. Character calls rock (this poem). Reality tends to knock suddenly. The wealthy will be immune (Ubers) - unless nuclear options settle arguments (Putin). My boss is Black is a neo-theme. We are in transition. . I wish I had that kind of optimism (character inside defeats power structures). Nations are collapsing, Africa will suffer the most. Whites are let in at the usa borders (red carpet), blacks/browns sent back. I wish it were different. I wish I had proof that saying is reality. It is not, nor has it ever been. Roe will increase black and brown numbers. In usa, numbers matter. A reality. The balance is about fear of power and wealth loss (watch race of next immigrant wave). Boomers dying, replenishment of population by reversing Roe will not be enough. Gray power! (I'm a Baby Boomer).  . Been down the it's okay road before. It still feels hateful down there, bullets flying and that (national hatred crisis). We aim now for education and wealth, nice cribs, cars, and 1.4 kids. Color still matters, but power (cash and fame) ease out the bad wishers via class restrictions in usa. Truth. Critical Race Theory posits change the laws, changes the behavior (we will see). Nothing will ever alter hate against groups. Ever. Ask Rome, Egypt, Germany, Israel, Afghanistan, Texas, Florida, Georgia . . . . Love and Hugs . ~A~. 
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allets commented on: Water Wars by allets 2 years 21 weeks ago
Water Wars: Michigan is about to feel the drought (fire) migrants soon. I wiil not live to see a million Detroiters again. Factories and office buildings are converting to residential. The building of individual homes in Detroit is forbidden! . Water. . ~A~.   
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burkej1h commented on: Colours by SSmoothie 2 years 21 weeks ago
SS: He there
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Starward commented on: Poet, Speak! or forever be silent by arqios 2 years 21 weeks ago
Wow, this is one of the most: Wow, this is one of the most powerful poems that I have read on this site.  Your use of metaphors bespeaks a great poetic talent.
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allets commented on: When we dream by alex73 2 years 21 weeks ago
Dreamers: . Traversing lifescapes wandering homeless as if no roof inside sleep wants you. . Why is no way to begin a sentence. How is so much the way. Belief syndromes arise from dreamers who cannot live without sleep. . Lady A .    
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patriciajj commented on: Digital Chains by patriciajj 2 years 21 weeks ago
Deprogramming. Yes! Thank you: Deprogramming. Yes! Thank you for reading and relating. 
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patriciajj commented on: Love is a shapeshifter by SSmoothie 2 years 21 weeks ago
Each definition could stand: Each definition could stand alone as a persuasive and stylish description of something with so many forms and facets that it's daunting to even try to pin it down. But surprisingly, you covered a lot of bases here with cunning, perception and charm.    Loving every line. Impressive! 
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patriciajj commented on: Colours by SSmoothie 2 years 21 weeks ago
The words are infallible: The words are infallible truth injected with the power of your conviction and intelligence. The last line thunders because of your shrewd, plunging structure. Amen and bravo! 
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patriciajj commented on: Walnut by patriciajj 2 years 21 weeks ago
"skipping along on the: "skipping along on the pebbles of thought". I adore how you put that. A thousand thank you's for your gorgeous expression. I admire your work as well. You are a gift. 
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patriciajj commented on: SPOONFEEDING THE RELIGION by georgeschaefer 2 years 21 weeks ago
Good for you! A well-written: Good for you! A well-written declaration of independence from mainstream "spoonfeeding". You gracefully expressed that spirituality is not a one-size-fits-all journey, and that it's difficult to transcend when weighed down by the fear-based religion of a "self-righteous charlatan preacher". Keep thinking for yourself. 
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Starward commented on: The Central Dungeon by nicci 2 years 21 weeks ago
Yes, indeed.  The sense of: Yes, indeed.  The sense of foreboding is tangible, and that intensifies the effect of the poem on the reader.
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Starward commented on: Love is a shapeshifter by SSmoothie 2 years 21 weeks ago
This poem contains a lot of: This poem contains a lot of profound wisdom.
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allets commented on: Inflation Blues by allets 2 years 21 weeks ago
Price of Beef: Or gas, record profits - suffering is ignored, price gouging and exploiting opportunity - yeah that too. All of it; oil, gas, wheat, the lesson in no baby formula. As supply chains stop, it unravels, China's economy fails, Russia, EU nations fine until winter happens. Meanwhile, rights erode here and voting may be rigged by '24. Covid is reported rising in N. Korea and Detroit, MI. We watch. . ~A~.   
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