Serving Him

Adult Content




Wrapping her arms around His waist,
she pulled Him close to her chest,
Wanting to give Him the sweetest of tastes,
Desiring to give Him only her best.


Kneeling upon the floor at His feet,
Smiling slyly in His direction,
Knowing the love T/they share can’t see defeat,
He knew she does as ordered without hesitation.


Reaching down to move her hair,
"Click" was heard as He attached His leash,
Enjoying having her in His sensuously erotic dark lair,
Try to anger Him Y/you’ll see the darkest of beast’s.


Keeping her ever so close to His side,
He loves and protects her from all who would do her harm,
For He knows that from Him she will not hide,
And loves her even more when she uses her charm.


Copyright ©2013 By; Tammy Gregersen

Author's Notes/Comments: 


I chose to redo this poem because it was not making sense in certain areas. Hope you all enjoy the redo on this poem.



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allets's picture

Welcome back!


17 years, a generation ago,

ink was left. Since, a measure

of writng read and, inculcated,

retraces old haunts, curiously.


Lady A






darkheartedvixen's picture

I am grateful

Your comment so sweet was music to my ears.

Visiting old bring life back into it from a different view.

Take pen to paper and write about what you see, feel, what inspire you, write what you want and what you desire.

This and only this is why I write nothing more.

So Lady A thank you for your warm welcomed and touching message.

I do not get comments to often.


Totally & Completely Gratefully


Sometimes life can be hard, but when it knocks you down you need to hold you head up high and get back up and fight for what you want in life. Life may be hard sometimes but life only teaches us what we can and cannot handle in it. So smile and live yo

SSmoothie's picture

Welcome back! 

Welcome back! 

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

darkheartedvixen's picture

Thank you

I know I faded once again. However my fingers still write words and emotions. Only this time it has been to tell my own personal story as it happened has unfolded and continues on. It's people like you all that keep the world of words seeping into my veins. For that is the only drug I shall ever embrace.


Sometimes life can be hard, but when it knocks you down you need to hold you head up high and get back up and fight for what you want in life. Life may be hard sometimes but life only teaches us what we can and cannot handle in it. So smile and live yo

Ozjan Yeshar's picture

Nice one Tamera! Cheers.