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patriciajj commented on: Go Nuclear by allets 2 years 20 weeks ago
An impressive garden. Keep: An impressive garden. Keep cultivating vibrant insight and persuasive artistry. You have my attention. 
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Starward commented on: Boy next-door by Seeker 2 years 20 weeks ago
Wow.  What a poignant and: Wow.  What a poignant and gut-wrenching elegy.  The effect of sadness leaps off the screen from your words and really grabs the reader.  That final stanza just seems to echo into the distance as the poem closes, and leaves the reader with a sense of sorrow of missed opportunity, and the needless death of a young life in a war in which we should never have gotten entangled. On the negative side, the emotional effect is somewhat blunted by the weakening of several verbs.  The poem mostly speaks in the third person, but there is a confusing change to second person in the last line of the pentultimate stanza.  These aspects prevent the poem from being as great as its subject, and your poignantly emotional remembrance, are.  But a bit of editing could free the poem from those pitfalls.    Nevertheless, this poem is emotionally unsettling, which is exactly what it should be.  I, personally, did not know, nor was ever acquainted with, anyone who died in that war.  But a cousin of mine, who studied in college to be a pharmecologist, was drafted for the infantry, and when he returned he was never the same, and has, for most of my life, avoided any family contacts.  I was thinking of him when I read this poem, as well; and that is one of the strengths of the poem---it compels the reader to pause, and to wonder if there was anyone in his or her life similar to the person you have described in the poem.  In the subject matter of the poem, and the emotional power it harnasses, you have written a remarkable achievement, and one which I will revisit to read again---and which, I am sure, will continue to haunt me.
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Starward commented on: SPOONFEEDING THE RELIGION by georgeschaefer 2 years 20 weeks ago
My great great grandfather: My great great grandfather was one of those charlatan preachers, and the damage he did to our family is still resonating.  He was so mean that no local church wanted him as their pastor.  The single photograph I have of him, a very primitive photograph from the early 20th century, depicts an old man glaring at the camera as if to call a curse down on the viewer.    I became so tired of the spoonfeeding of religion by charlatan preachers, that I abandoned the religious practices of my spouse and her family to become a convert to the Orthodox Church.  No one there asks me, "Have you found Jay-zus," and, "How much d'you bawl?"  And I do not mention this to evangelize; only to say what my experience has been.    The poem conveys a lot of profound wisdom and experience, and I applaud the verse form by which you present it.
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Starward commented on: A Request For Forgiveness by saiom 2 years 20 weeks ago
This is a very brave gesture,: This is a very brave gesture, and most admirable.  I have nothing to forgive you for---you have not offended me at all.  I think you have set an example that certain members of this site, claiming to be poets, ought to follow carefully.
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georgeschaefer commented on: SPOONFEEDING THE RELIGION by georgeschaefer 2 years 20 weeks ago
The truly spiritual are: The truly spiritual are usually not overly religious
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georgeschaefer commented on: SPOONFEEDING THE RELIGION by georgeschaefer 2 years 20 weeks ago
People should embrace their: People should embrace their spirituality but let others find their own way.  thank you for reading and commenting
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georgeschaefer commented on: PHOTO BOMBING SON OF A FEMALE DOG by georgeschaefer 2 years 20 weeks ago
We do get away with a lot of: We do get away with a lot of shit around here
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georgeschaefer commented on: PHOTO BOMBING SON OF A FEMALE DOG by georgeschaefer 2 years 20 weeks ago
I just wanted to post a cute: I just wanted to post a cute picture of my son of a bitch photobombing me.
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allets commented on: Doppelganger by Coffeepot 2 years 20 weeks ago
Very Well Composed: Enjoyed.
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allets commented on: The Coat Wall by Coffeepot 2 years 20 weeks ago
Wow!: Powerful write. Where'd ya go? Miss u.  
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allets commented on: Go Nuclear by allets 2 years 20 weeks ago
Thanks For The Read: . From inside with a bubbled quill, there are word flowers blooming. :D ~A~
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patriciajj commented on: Go Nuclear by allets 2 years 20 weeks ago
Renewable energy is not: Renewable energy is not always green. That's true. You made some very plausible predictions here. This is certainly a direct (and brilliant) hit:    ". . . We rock and roll with laws in usa. Give me your tired and your fertile. Damn, we write good poetry."    Lady, you got style!    
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Starward commented on: A Poem by dolphin 2 years 21 weeks ago
This is: This is excellent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Starward commented on: autumn raspberry by dolphin 2 years 21 weeks ago
I have only read a couple of: I have only read a couple of your poems, and already I am very impressed by your style.
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Starward commented on: Goddess by dolphin 2 years 21 weeks ago
This is one of the most: This is one of the most evocative, most beautiful, and most profound poems that I have read here in a long time.  Absolutely beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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