autumn raspberry


sweet, tiny fruit

we barely knew you.

autumn came all too soon       
           and you


The wind came, wild and cold
and helped us mourn you:

We took you,
in the darkest of nights
with us to the lake.

The waves pounded the shore
the gale pushed back against us
as if all the entirety of the elements had come
to witness the ceremony.

we held you in the palm of our hands
while the winds blew fiercely
and our fingers went numb as we ran out of matches trying to light incense in the wildness.

I guess you didn’t want incense
the wind and waves and darkness were ritual enough.

The waves crashed against the shore and white spray went everywhere,
over us, over you,
baptizing all of us, a family: a very brief family.


little one.

we kissed you goodbye
and with all our strength and love
sent you flying out into the night
into the wildness.

All life has meaning.

Even the briefest whisper of life that was yours
gave us motherhood.

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J-C4113d's picture

I have only read a couple of

I have only read a couple of your poems, and already I am very impressed by your style.

J-Called [fka Starward]

Pungus's picture


Savor the raspberry

Its bright pink blood

Gushing through the teeth

Know how sweetly

It loves to love thee

peace, pot, tequila shot

Jesus loves us, stoned or not

word_man's picture

all life is precious

all life is precious

ron parrish