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crypticbard commented on: To Be Ordinary by allets 2 years 19 weeks ago
"Searching means not finding": "Searching means not finding" that is a phrase to mull about and chew on a bit. 
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allets commented on: every fairy tale story must come a sort of finality by Daniel-59 2 years 19 weeks ago
Love You Too: Missing the warrior troubador. Lady A  
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allets commented on: to close their eyes and see by Daniel-59 2 years 19 weeks ago
"Frayed Vanities": A fine write - the beauty of nature and how it impacts humans, if they see it with their heart in their eyes. Nice lyric - allets -  
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allets commented on: Bubbles Burst by allets 2 years 19 weeks ago
Windmill Tracking: "Not life as it is, but as it should be." I've pretty much succumbed to the evidences less of prophecy, more of human greed and ego destroying humankind. Unless something really astronomical hits Earth, Gaia will heal and evolve. We have just about filled in our portion of the timeline of existence. Soon, later, no matter...inevitably. . ~A~. 
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allets commented on: Tendencies by allets 2 years 19 weeks ago
Thanks For The Read: Wonderful. Well received from he who points to stars. :D ~A~ 
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Starward commented on: Tendencies by allets 2 years 19 weeks ago
Amen!  And this is a: Amen!  And this is a wonderful poem.
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allets commented on: No Love by allets 2 years 19 weeks ago
I Miss U: World went crazy again. Levity needed :)  
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allets commented on: Tendencies by allets 2 years 19 weeks ago
Entertain: One of a poet's purposes. Cheesing : D  
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allets commented on: Cannibalism (We Eat) by lyrycsyntyme 2 years 19 weeks ago
"...practiced teeth get sharp": . The intent to eat beasts - and the results not recommended - you might need your beast later? or  we brush our teeth, chomp on beast to remain civil, rinse. or beasts taste bad and are only worth acknowledging and, like fog, move on. or something esoteric and too tantalizing for non-epicurianistic mere mortals. . ~A~. 
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Starward commented on: COPY OF A COPY by georgeschaefer 2 years 19 weeks ago
Decades ago, I read a: Decades ago, I read a commentary on some Poet (who that was, and the source of the commentary I have since forgotten) that suggested that literature only has ten original plots, and that everything else are simply variations on those ten themes.  Yet, in reading your poem, I hear this as a joyous rather than debilitating factor, as it means all Poets are really on the same ten pages---an implied unity of diversity, rather than division and disunion.  Thanks for posting this.
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Starward commented on: COPY OF A COPY by georgeschaefer 2 years 19 weeks ago
Please forgive a second: Please forgive a second intrusion on my part:  I just wanted to thank you for some fundamental considerations that this poem led me to think about this morning, and to follow a course, going forward, that will help me to more further organize the stuff I want to post here.  When a poem is beautiful, astute, and instructive---as this poem certainly is---then it has a huge impact of the reader.  I thank you for helping me today.
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Starward commented on: Get the guns off the street by elliot_jordan2003 2 years 19 weeks ago
The righters seem to think: The righters seem to think that the 2nd Amendment is unadjustable, and must be preserved exactly as the Framers of the Constitution wrote it.  Yet, we have several precedents to show that we can successfully adjust the Framers' intentions with our own present reality.  The Framers allowed slavery and restricted the vote to males (and then the colonies that became states further restricted the franchise to property holders).  Two holdovers from the Framers eighteenth century perspective are the 2nd amendment and the electoral college.  Congress can still certify the presidental election results (despite the precedent, sadly established, and which we will hear of much more in 2024 and beyond, that each defeat is a steal) but it can be the popular vote tallies sent in from the States and not the cumbersome results of the electoral college's december conventions.  In the eighteenth century, militia warfare had an important place in the strategies of war---and helped our Revolution to free itself from the imperial designs of England.  Yet, in this day and age of drone warfare and weapons of mass destruction, a militia of clodhoppers---brandishing their assault weapons, dressed in their cammies or like primitive shamans, and ready to storm some capitol in order to hang an elected official with whom they disagree---is so comic as to be ludicrously tragic.  The chaos they cause, and we observed it well on January 6th, 2021, would collapse before a well trained invasive enemy with a good arsenal of highly technilogical weapons.  So we really do not need a well armed militia, and therefore the second amendment needs, itself, to be amended.  I should like to think that we are beginning to see the preparation for that process---as those same students who walked out of their classrooms all over the nation in protest will, very soon, be walking into the polling places to elect legislators and presidents who will carry out their will and not the policies of the National Rifle Association and the malicious ghosts of the Nazi party.
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allets commented on: Gray Days by allets 2 years 19 weeks ago
Thank You For The Read Bish: I haven't ranted in a while, thought this was the time since it affects everyone alive on the globe. The question is for how long. The Republican Party will do anything to blame the Democatic Party for the sure to follow "slow-down" of the economy. It's political and they play with people's lives. I don't want to feel just yet. it's just sad. . Hope U R Well! ~A~ .
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allets commented on: Untainted by allets 2 years 19 weeks ago
Edit: "Heaven" was the disruption, removed it and rearranged for balance. Thanks. ~A~. 
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allets commented on: Untainted by allets 2 years 19 weeks ago
Organized Purity: was the goal - looking at metaphorical new snowfall at night under artificial illumination - the points of light are finite and organized - meaning: the wonder of looking at blue-white snow at night and a myriad reflections - thanks to  the word untamed, adding "wild" to the conotation, disorganization as a counter point to enlarge the idea of "order". Untainted connotes untouched nature, I suppose equally existing in its own realm inside the natural world as a symbol for purity. Untamed implies mastery is missing, inserting the notion of taintablility suggests human design. Also, I went for muted tones, not hard t's, to control the mood. The onomatopoeia would have worked though. . ~A~ .
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