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Starward commented on: On The Steps Of The Jefferson Memorial by J-C4113D 2 years 8 weeks ago
Yes, it is somewhat shocking: Yes, it is somewhat shocking to learn the truth about some of them.  They were fallible and imperfect, and yet God and History used them to create a Republic that, until recently, has been envied all over the world, and imitated (most often poorly) by many,  Sad that from 2017-2020, this nation became a pale imitation of itself, and dismissed so many of its highest ideals.
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crypticbard commented on: On The Steps Of The Jefferson Memorial by J-C4113D 2 years 8 weeks ago
I have rather belatedly: I have rather belatedly learned of the darker side of this celebrated historical public figure. So much had been glossed over in our history textbooks that we elevated causes and men that a deeper look would show us otherwise.
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patriciajj commented on: In the Infinite Now by patriciajj 2 years 8 weeks ago
Thank you kindly, sublime: Thank you kindly, sublime poet. Your gorgeous and precise reflections poured light through the cracks of a difficult day. Your support means so much. 
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Starward commented on: @ 27.055 MHz: Ad Astra; Aetia, He Slipped His Shoes Off During Class by J-C4113D 2 years 8 weeks ago
Thank you.  Those words will: Thank you.  Those words will keep the sequence going, for sure.  To me, for this particular sequence, it is more important for it to serve the readers to whom and for whom it is intended than to state anecdotes from my autobiography or imagination.
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patriciajj commented on: @ 27.055 MHz: Ad Astra; Aetia, He Slipped His Shoes Off During Class by J-C4113D 2 years 8 weeks ago
I love the way this crucial: I love the way this crucial series is evolving, and it's an excellent strategy to make the poems more generalized and accessible. You're not gushy. You're sincere. And that is  gift. God bless. 
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Starward commented on: 3. Dancing by rachel 2 years 8 weeks ago
Anazon has, or used to have,: Anazon has, or used to have, it; but I have never found it on the internet.
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rachel commented on: 3. Dancing by rachel 2 years 8 weeks ago
You have inspired me to go on: You have inspired me to go on a hunt for this dialogue, so I may incorporate it consciously!
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Starward commented on: 3. Dancing by rachel 2 years 8 weeks ago
This latest entry in the: This latest entry in the Sojourner series accelerates right before our eyes, as the lines shorten and speaker's description of the process takes us to the conclusion; and the process has been so satisfying to the Sojourner, that the Sojourner has forgotten that someone significant (a Beloved?---I would like to think so) is actually absent. Decades ago, the French Poet, Paul Valery, wrote a couple of Socratic Dialogues that, when published in this country, carried a Preface by Wallace Stevens.  One of the dialogues is about a dancing girl, Athikte, and how her accelerating dance takes possession both of her body and of the philosophers, including Socrates, who then construct their dialogue around her performance.  This poem reminded me of that Dialogue very much.   Admittedly, I cannot read the original French text and have to rely only upon Stevens' excerpts from, and description of, it; but I what I do know of the Dialogue was brought to mind by your magnificent poem; and it is always a great thing when one poem converses with another in the reader's mind.  Bravo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Starward commented on: On all things supernatural by orangejumpsuit 2 years 8 weeks ago
I agree, religion is bad,: I agree, religion is bad, because---as its Latin source suggests---it is an attempt to bind the Divine.  Faith is superior, so much more superior.
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Starward commented on: 2. Town to Town by rachel 2 years 8 weeks ago
First, the poem is definitely: First, the poem is definitely an excellent sequel, and gives us more insight into the Sojourner.  I am also very pleased to see it designated to a folder entitled Sojourner Series.  The whole poem is beautiful, but nothing in it quite prepares the reader for the impact of those final three lines in which metaphor and myth take control of the poem to bring it to conclusion (but, I hope, not a series conclusion:  Sojourner deserves more, and so do your readers).   I appreciate the mention in the notes section.  And I will take this brief space to remind you that postpoems just does not have enough of your Poetry.  Some more, please . . . very much some more, please . . . .
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Starward commented on: 1. Sojourner by rachel 2 years 8 weeks ago
This poem's brevity is coyly: This poem's brevity is coyly deceptive, as its contains depths of profound meaning.  The Epistimology of Pain (hurts therefore true) is a brilliant approach to the issue of pain.  I particularly like the way the Sojourner speaks from those interdimensional niches between weeping and dancing to admit a quiet observation of the world passing by.  This adds a metaphysical or supernatural aspect to the Sojourner's existence; perhaps a sequel or two might extend our understanding of this very interesting character.
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Starward commented on: @ 27.055 MHz: Ad Astra; Aetia, He Slipped His Shoes Off During Class by J-C4113D 2 years 8 weeks ago
Thank you for giving me one: Thank you for giving me one of the finest comments I have ever received, and for selecting this particular poem on which to comment.  Although I tried to make it seem less like an autobiographical poem (which, too me, can seem to be too exclusive), it does proceed from an autobiographical event, which happened in the mid-autumn of my seventh grade year.  The change it effected was almost palpable in its resonance through the rest of my life.
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Starward commented on: @ 27.055 MHz: Ad Astra; Aetia, He Slipped His Shoes Off During Class by J-C4113D 2 years 8 weeks ago
Thank you so very much for: Thank you so very much for those words.  I have been reformatting the series---to be less about my personal experiences and more generalized (as I believe that will advance the series' purpose (to encourage the discouraged) better than an autobiographical approach would.  Your comment is so encouraging and reminds me to make this the best possible series that I can.  I am sorry if I sound gushy in the fact of your comment.
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Starward commented on: Chapters Complete by BMosley 2 years 8 weeks ago
The final two lines are very: The final two lines are very wise.
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rachel commented on: In the Infinite Now by patriciajj 2 years 8 weeks ago
Love is patient, love is: Love is patient, love is kind.   Biblical and cosmic in it's scale, what a pen you weild.   Not often do the words of poetry soothe my aches, but I must say I agree with starward's eloquent praise. As visceral as watching the night sky with a friend.
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