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Starward commented on: Lost sometimes by SSmoothie 1 year 46 weeks ago
If I were wearing a hat right: If I were wearing a hat right now, I would remove it in your presence, most excellent Poet, Ssmoothie.  In this poem, you achieve a height of greatness and grandeur that, I fear, makes my poor words awkwardly inadequate in this attempt to describe and respond to your huge accomplishment.  In this short, but very powerful, poem, you have described, encapsulated, and summarized the human condition; not just what it is, but what it feels like.      Although I happen to believe that we are the only sentient inhabitants of the Universe . . . if I did believe in aliens, this poem of yours would be a perfect test with which to introduce those aliens to the human condition.    Just as. with Patriciajj's poems, it is useful to find a center of gravity in the poem, I think this poem's center is located in the lines In a world of too much / never enough . . .  This is not only the poem's centerpiece, it is also a great epitaph for the human race, if we end up destroying ourselves, or our planet.  It is also the epitaph of every great civilization that has fallen through its own foibles---as far back as Sumeria.  The great Poet, T. S. Eliot. whom I deeply admire, needed 434 lines in The Waste Land to address a similar issue; but you have addressed it fully and completely on one page.     If I were teaching a class on Poetry, this poem would definitely be on the syllabus.  It is the kind of poem I wish I had read decades ago, when I was first learning about Poetry---as it would have answered certain questions of mine earlier than they were actually answered in my experience.  I hope many young Poets who are just starting out will see this poem:  it will speak deeply to their own emotional cores, and it will also provide a viable model of how to do that.     I offer you my utmost compliment for your magnificent accomplishment in this poem.
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ewbonitz commented on: You can have the blankets by ewbonitz 1 year 46 weeks ago
Thank you. You're kind words: Thank you. Your kind words are an encouragement to me.
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Starward commented on: You can have the blankets by ewbonitz 1 year 46 weeks ago
This poem is so accurately: This poem is so accurately poignant, and speaks to pointedly to a similar experience in my life, in 1992, that I scarcely can muster the appropriate words----literally choked up from reading this.  Very few poems move me at this level of emotion; I do not usually allow it.  This poem has overwhelmed we, which attests to its verbal and poetic power.  Though it conveys sadness, the method by which that conveyance is carried out is, itself, verbally and artistically beautiful.  Wow!  I need to go pick myself up from the floor, now, because your poem has really knocked me over.  I am not good about writing of grief, especially when it is so personal, but this poem, in and of itself, could be an entire textbook of the way to write about such an experience.
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williamjroneyiii commented on: I have Lung Cancer by williamjroneyiii 1 year 46 weeks ago
I have the start of Lung Cancer: When it gets real bad I'll ask God for him to relieve the pain. I was in a car accident back in 1986, I had to pray to God to give me something to do, he gave me poetry for work. I had a realtionship with God ever since. I'm not Catholic but I do have a cross on my rear view mirror, to remind me of worst times in my life!   God came through for me and my family!   Thank you Starward for the thought...
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Starward commented on: I have Lung Cancer by williamjroneyiii 1 year 46 weeks ago
I am so sorry to hear this,: I am so sorry to hear this, and I have prayed for you prior to writing this.  If I may make a suggestion (and, if you already know this, please forgive my redundancy):  a good source of spiritual comfort is the thirty-fifth Psalm, called by some the Resue or Restoration Psalm (if my memory serves correctly).  In my own medical affliction, which is not quite as serious as yours, I find myself relying upon that Psalm more and more.  I hope this is not too personal to share, but in the situation, protocols must give way to other concerns.
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Starward commented on: I have Lung Cancer by williamjroneyiii 1 year 46 weeks ago
Amen to that!  I join my: Amen to that!  I join my prayers to yours for the health of our brother in poetry.
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: You can have the blankets by ewbonitz 1 year 46 weeks ago
Holding on to what truly matters: Is all you can do. And where your future lies.    A relatable, emotional and very personal piece. Wishing you a revival,a new smile with which to share, in time.
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: I have Lung Cancer by williamjroneyiii 1 year 46 weeks ago
All the best, sir: Sharing, what I imagine, is the best outlook in such a situation. To live and to find good emotional medicine.    If it's alright, I'd recommend several assistants for dealing with cancer, right out the garden/produce section: garlic cloves; kale, broccoli, and/or red cabbages; and herbs such as peppermint, ginger, turmeric. Additionally, cancer cells love sugar, so a low sugar diet helps a lot, if that's not already your style.    Wishing you the best.
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crypticbard commented on: I have Lung Cancer by williamjroneyiii 1 year 46 weeks ago
We always have hope and: We always have hope and thoughts that the results would be satisfactory but if you would we are joining in prayer for your health.
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williamjroneyiii commented on: I have Lung Cancer by williamjroneyiii 1 year 46 weeks ago
I have the start of Lung Cancer: I was told by the Doctors, "Bad News 2" poem I wrote. I have a mass on my Lung, 2 Cm big. Thats where we are now!   Thanks Starward...
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Starward commented on: I have Lung Cancer by williamjroneyiii 1 year 46 weeks ago
My heart goes out to you:  is: My heart goes out to you:  is the diagnosis confirmed?  The last line seems a little vague.
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SSmoothie commented on: Satanic seed by humanfruit 1 year 46 weeks ago
Yup.: Yup.
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SSmoothie commented on: My Eternal Mend by deepblue 1 year 46 weeks ago
That's some heavy baggage  I: That's some heavy baggage  I resonated with some of the emotions and the descriptions.  The pain is clear but hazy and confused  Moments of clarity and darkness  I was there with you I felt  Punching my way out of a black garbage bag  Only I couldn't get through because  Some how if the bag broke id be free  And that to me just felt so lonely!    Great write deep blue  Hugss 
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: MTM approved by Teytonon 1 year 46 weeks ago
A man who exists to lend: A man who exists to lend credibility to the empty suits. People who were starting to be seen through. A very clever ruse. When it has some people who hated George W. Bush with a passion saying "I miss him", the billionaires have won.
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Starward commented on: The Luxury by Morningglory 1 year 46 weeks ago
In such a few short lines,: In such a few short lines, this poem says a lot about what, I think, is very probably a universal experience.
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