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lyrycsyntyme commented on: AN ARTIST IS CREATED by joy 1 year 32 weeks ago
Beautiful, endearing.   It: Beautiful, endearing.   It makes me think of the urge, one I know that many poets have felt, to be down on their older, "lesser" writings, and sometimes even disgard them. But, much like this drawing, even truly more primative writes of the poet were telling their own creation story ; )    Very much enjoyed this read and the reflection it brought about.
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Starward commented on: Glass Houses by tallsquirrelgirl 1 year 32 weeks ago
I applaud the coversational: I applaud the coversational tone with which this poem conveys its contents.  And that final stanza---that brilliant, triumphant, and very profound final stanza---releases a tremendous, and highly encouraging, power.
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georgeschaefer commented on: SOCIAL DISTANCING by georgeschaefer 1 year 32 weeks ago
Dance on ash piles and sing: Dance on ash piles and sing out loud.  Just let me have my space.  
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SSmoothie commented on: Dirty Footprints on your Heart, Again by Beavis 1 year 32 weeks ago
Wow, profound, and achingly: Wow, profound, and achingly beautiful! Hitting all the appropriate  beats. 
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SSmoothie commented on: I Knew this would be Hard by Beavis 1 year 32 weeks ago
The mind boggles! You've: The mind boggles! You've captured me!  Love it! Blessings ss
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SSmoothie commented on: My Blessing by frostbite 1 year 32 weeks ago
Aw so sweet! Love is: Aw so sweet! Love is something you work for the harder you work the deeper it gets. Not everyone has the the constitution compassion or the fortitude to make it last. Glad you found a source of great blessing and I hope she knows how lucky she is to have someone like you who sees it. Lovely words to melt hearts, frostbite? I don't see it. Maybe lovebite?
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williamjroneyiii commented on: I'm At Peace My Friend by williamjroneyiii 1 year 33 weeks ago
I'm At Peace My Friend: I believe all creatures have a souls, Horses, Dogs and Cats ect.   "Search And Seizure" My hands hurt, from doing the deed. Rolling joints and smoking weed.   My head is light, my eyes are red.     The cops show up to search the crib. They search the place from front and back.   The puppy lays on my black bag. They praised the dog for what she found! I had to turn the music down. William J. Roney III Copyright (C) 2019 The Dog is smart, she has a soul. The ribbon was blue, not solid gold. All creatures go to Heaven, that's my belief! My paper is ready to receive!   
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williamjroneyiii commented on: It Seems To Be Revised by williamjroneyiii 1 year 33 weeks ago
It Seems To Be: I know what you mean but looks are everthing, it seems to me!
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williamjroneyiii commented on: Amazon Product Review USPS by williamjroneyiii 1 year 33 weeks ago
Re: USPS: It's too late to take on a new job, Thank You!!!
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Amazon Product Review USPS by williamjroneyiii 1 year 33 weeks ago
If you keep at it, Amazon can: If you keep at it, Amazon can fire their whole marketing team and just lean on you.
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Wordman commented on: Restless by Wordman 1 year 33 weeks ago
Thank you Patricia, for the: Thank you Patricia, for the very kind words, and the visit, I'm glad you found this to your liking. 
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crypticbard commented on: cure alls by arqios 1 year 33 weeks ago
And as always, a most welcome: And as always, a most welcome review that opens up tree-lined avenues to further expeditions into poetic expression. And onward in the journey of extrication from these all too easy 'cure alls.'A curious aside as well, 'panacea' was to be part of the title but chose against utlising that for a more accessible title. My gratitude dear PatriciaJJ.
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rachel commented on: The Clarity After Waking From A Long Dream by rachel 1 year 33 weeks ago
Thank you: It was exhausting to write
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Starward commented on: The Clarity After Waking From A Long Dream by rachel 1 year 33 weeks ago
The poem's emotional impact: The poem's emotional impact is powerful, and its last three lines are profoundly wise and deserve to be studied by many.
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patriciajj commented on: One Spark is a Galaxy by patriciajj 1 year 33 weeks ago
It was a supreme pleasure to: It was a supreme pleasure to write this. Thank you as well. 
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