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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Godspeed, Allets by patriciajj 1 year 31 weeks ago
Really: Really heartbreaking.   Though inside I knew this had likely been Stella's fate, part of me held hope that she was recooperating somewhere, and would eventually return. Her last messages to me were very cryptic, but I somehow didn't see it at the time. It's really been different without her. She was a real friend and encourager, and a really forthright and active participant here. Definitely gonna miss her. Already have been.     p/s Thank you, Patricia, for bringing this to light. On a number of ocassions I had searched but came up empty, while both hoping to find something and hoping not to find something, at the same time.
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Starward commented on: star signed by arqios 1 year 31 weeks ago
And I am glad, very, very: And I am glad, very, very glad, to benefit from your posting of them. 
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crypticbard commented on: star signed by arqios 1 year 31 weeks ago
And I for my part am most: And I for my part am most glad when these gems of intesections and interactions are made possible.
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crypticbard commented on: within reach by arqios 1 year 31 weeks ago
Thank you most kindly. Being: Thank you most kindly. Being consistent on all counts can be quite the daunting task. This validation guides the work and effort invested. For that I am most grateful.
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life_used_to_be... commented on: What Little I Know by patriciajj 1 year 31 weeks ago
I do not think I have ever: I do not think I have ever come across you until tonight. Even though you've been a member for 20 years, you are absolutely a breath of fresh air to me!!! This is an amazing write   " madness"   I fear us poets are all just a wee bit mad/insane/deeply disturbed. I shall keep checking out your work!
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life_used_to_be... commented on: Godspeed, Allets by patriciajj 1 year 31 weeks ago
Oh my goodness....I had no: Oh my goodness....I had no idea about Stell!! Stella and I lost touch about 1.5 years ago, but at one point in my life, she was there for me when no one else was. No doubt, a bright light has been lost now. Thank you for posting this. I wouldn't have known otherwise. 
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Daft Illusion by lyrycsyntyme 1 year 31 weeks ago
Thank you, sir. And, well: Thank you, sir. And, well done, tapping into my mindset. There are definitely elements of all that you imagined influencing the poem, playing somewhat as metaphor for figures in the real world, while also attempting to express the way that - as ever - "(super)heroes" are often mirrors of a culture.
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Haunted Vows by ChandaBurton 1 year 31 weeks ago
Love does not play by other people's rules: Sometimes, not even your own. A creation that takes on a life of it's own, once we give it the spirit of life. In essence, it is like a child, in that even when gone astray, an open heart will always care. I think, these sentiments, as best I can express them right now, you portray both without restraint and with poetic beauty. You do not betray, for a moment, the pureness of love despite devastated commitment.   Wishing you all the best.
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Starward commented on: within reach by arqios 1 year 31 weeks ago
Wow!  I applaud . . . I: Wow!  I applaud . . . I mean, APPLAUD . . . this poem, not only for its content, but for the way your quatrains consistently deploy their form and rhynme scheme.
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Starward commented on: confrontational history by arqios 1 year 31 weeks ago
This may be an awkward: This may be an awkward comment, but I am going to try to express what I think is the high significance of this poem.  During my senior year, History majors was required to take a class on the Philosophy of History.  There, we did not study some particular historical sequence:  rather, we studied the ways historical theories were presented, and the perspectives from which historians viewed their chosen eras and events.  One's senior thesis was written under the auspices of this class; and one did not graduate without the successful completion of the senior thesis.      I said all that to say this:  This poem is one of the finest theoretical summaries of the historical process that I have ever encountered.  It is not only among the very finest that I have read, I also believe it deserves to be taught.  They tell me that when the great poet, Wallace Stevens (himself a lawyer) was mentoring a certain young man through law school, he would tell him, in regard to the various courses required, that each course had a particular supreme point to present, and that by finding and studying that point, he (the student) would be able to organize his reading, his papers, and his examination answers around it.  And this poem presents a point that is not only appropriate, profoundly appropriate, for a senior class on Philosophy of History, it is also a reading method that a freshman History major would find useful and practical when approaching the subject as a new major.      And, finally, I will say that, although I wish I could have read this poem (I dare not say, I wish I could have actually been smart enough to think the way this poem directs) during my collegiate days, I am glad I have lived long enough to be able to read it now (although my visit is a little behind schedule due to my circumstances).  You should be very, very, very proud of this poem; it is one of the centerpieces of your entire collection on this site; and it is further proof of what I most sincerely believe, that you are one of the Pillars of the PostPoems community.
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Starward commented on: star signed by arqios 1 year 32 weeks ago
If I recall correctly from as: If I recall correctly from as far back as my senior year in high school, the great Poet, John Milton, believed that poems are to teach as well as beautify the language.   What may seem vague can actually provide a learning opportunity to a reader; and your references and allusions will provide those opportunities.  I have seen much spiritual insight in both your poems and your comments, so I think you are one of those Poets of whom Milton wrote.  I regret that my circumstances do not always allow me to keep up with your poems in a timely fashion, but I am glad to catch up whenever I can.
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Starward commented on: At Acts 11:26 by S74rw4rd 1 year 32 weeks ago
Thank you.  The insights: Thank you.  The insights contained in your comments never fail to have a double effect:  they always amaze me, and they always instruct me.  
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crypticbard commented on: star signed by arqios 1 year 32 weeks ago
Glad to hear it. I was a bit: Glad to hear it. I was a bit worried that the references might be too vague for some of our readers.
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WasteOfPaint commented on: Vixen by WasteOfPaint 1 year 32 weeks ago
Not at all, I was just: Not at all, I was just excusing my poor writing lol 
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crypticbard commented on: At Acts 11:26 by S74rw4rd 1 year 32 weeks ago
A temptation known only to: A temptation known only too well in my life's journey. The one saving grace being the realisation that the Lord himself did not wear a badge of any one particular sect or denomination. That quickly refocuses the tendency to 'nominate,' in my experience.
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