Godspeed, Allets

With a heavy heart, I make this announcement:


On June 23, 2022 the world lost a shining light and PostPoems lost one of its most valued, longtime members: Stella Louise Crews ("Allets", "Lady A.")


It's hard to imagine this site without our gifted, unbreakable, sassy and irreplaceable Allets. 


You can view her obituary here: 




Fly free, timeless Poet and Forever Friend. Your silver wit and golden heart live on in every word you left us. 






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lyrycsyntyme's picture


Really heartbreaking.


Though inside I knew this had likely been Stella's fate, part of me held hope that she was recooperating somewhere, and would eventually return. Her last messages to me were very cryptic, but I somehow didn't see it at the time. It's really been different without her. She was a real friend and encourager, and a really forthright and active participant here. Definitely gonna miss her. Already have been.



p/s Thank you, Patricia, for bringing this to light. On a number of ocassions I had searched but came up empty, while both hoping to find something and hoping not to find something, at the same time.

patriciajj's picture

When she disappeared from

When she disappeared from Postpoems, I began to worry and did some research (Her last PM to me was signed by her full name and that helped) and like you, a part of me was hoping not to find anything, but, unfortunately, my fear was confirmed. You're absolutely right about her being a "real friend and encourager". I miss her so much. 

lyrycsyntyme's picture

Perhaps there was foresight on

Perhaps there was foresight on her part, in sharing that info with you. Maybe she knew you'd be the kind of soul to find out and let others know. I appreciate you doing so, as seems so many others do as well, though I'm sorry you had to be the bearer of such news. I did not see this post at the time you shared it, and it's only in spotting a comment made shortly ago by a fellow writer that I chanced upon it. Grateful for that, as well, how ever sad.

life_used_to_be_lifelike's picture

Oh my goodness....I had no

Oh my goodness....I had no idea about Stell!! Stella and I lost touch about 1.5 years ago, but at one point in my life, she was there for me when no one else was. No doubt, a bright light has been lost now. Thank you for posting this. I wouldn't have known otherwise. 

"It is a terrible thing to be so open. It is as if my heart put on a face and walked into the world" -- Sylvia Plath.

patriciajj's picture

I'm now glad I took the time

I'm now glad I took the time to find out what had happened to her. I felt like crying when I read your expression. I hope somehow she knows just how loved and missed she is.

SSmoothie's picture

I still can't. I wish

I still can't. I wish everything Stella wrote  was reposted. There are no words worthy enough for a eulogy. Indeed I shall spend years thinking what to write. What a great glory for Heaven, what a great chasm left in this workd. God bless her and hers always 

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

patriciajj's picture

Your gorgeous tribute almost

Your gorgeous tribute almost brought tears to my eyes, and I have to believe she's smiling down on you. Like you, I wish all her poems from years past (she did delete many of them) could be reposted. I'm still grieving our immeasurable loss.

S74rw4rd's picture

Allets was one of the

Allets was one of the outstanding Poets on this site; and the announcement of her passing is now made by another one of our outstanding Poets.  I cherish a PM she sent me, two weeks prior to her passing, in which she inquired after my health.  No mention of her own issues; no mention of the declining health that burdened her, simply a kind and compassionate inquiry about my own situation.  Even at that extreme point on the arc of her life, she maintained that kind of altruistic dignity.  The sovereign Grace of God, and the eternal ministry of God's Son, has brought her from this failing world into the eternal felicity of the better Kingdom.



patriciajj's picture

What a stirring tribute. God

What a stirring tribute. God bless you, fine poet. 

S74rw4rd's picture

Thank you.  The great actor,

Thank you.  The great actor, Peter Cushing, a man very devout in his Faith (both as a metaphysical comfort and a code of conduct), believed that the seasons had been designed by God as a picture of the return of life and its entry into fullness.  Allets is a reverse spelling of Stella---which, in Latin, means star.  And, except along the equator and the poles, some stars become temporarily absent as the seasons change.  But they return.  And, to devices like the Hubble and the Webb, the stars are always present, because those devices are capable of looking toward any quadran of the celestian Heavens.  So I would extend Cushing's metaphor:  some stars, like Allets, are temporarily absent in this season; but always present to our Faith, which functions, metaphysically, like the Hubble and the Webb.  


Teytonon's picture

To paraphrase what Shakespeare said about Romeo,

To paraphrase what Shakespeare said about Romeo,

'When she shall die, take her, and cut her in little stars, and she will make the face of heaven so fine, that the world will be in love with night, and pay no worship to the garish sun'.

I always learn something from your comments. Thank you.


patriciajj's picture

Starward: Like Teytonon, I

Starward: Like Teytonon, I always learn something valuable from your comments. You shared some incredibly uplifting and magnificent insights with the perfect references. Thank you!


Teytonon: Your paraphrased quote hit the target of beauty and comfort as well. Thank you kindly. 

Teytonon's picture

RIP Stella

Very sad to hear the news

Always looked forward to what she had to say

May her memory be a blessing 

patriciajj's picture

Very wise words: reminding us

Very wise words: reminding us that her memory is a blessing. Take care. 

redbrick's picture

Oh no. That hits quite hard.

Oh no. That hits quite hard. And on my late dad's birthday as well. Now This year shall be marked by both their having passed on.

here is poetry that doesn't always conform

galateus, arkayye, arqios,arquious, crypticbard, excalibard, wordweaver

patriciajj's picture

I'm deeply sorry for the loss

I'm deeply sorry for the loss of your father, and now this sorrow. My heart goes out to you. Be well.