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Spinoza commented on: Live! by SSmoothie 1 year 23 weeks ago
Nice one Smoothie:   Enjoyed the spirit of this.   My favourite bit…   use your gifts prolifically, help as much as you grow, love the unlovable,  
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Spinoza commented on: Moonlight Sonata by gentle 1 year 23 weeks ago
very beautiful :     To soar above the burning pain of loss and to remain intact   To waltz with sylphs, adorned in white frost floating – light as air amid diamond studded trees – glistening in the heavens   It is quite the image to behold.   A very beautiful one.   And a very lovely tribute – to your mom.     And I read it, while listening to the sonata          
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Starward commented on: @ 27.225 MHz: On PostPoems by J-C4113d 1 year 23 weeks ago
Thank you for that well: Thank you for that well thought out perspective.  I agree with you.  And I was quite pleased to see Outer Limits mentioned.  That series in the early sixties (not the reworked series of the nineties) sparked my interest in astronomy, which has never fully left me.  I have a screen saver that shows each of the star fields that were shown as the end credits rolled.  And I often listen to both of the opening themes on youtube (I like Lubin's best).
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Spinoza commented on: @ 27.225 MHz: On PostPoems by J-C4113d 1 year 23 weeks ago
  I don’t know if it’s:   I don’t know if it’s something in our blood, because we are of an older generation… or because we simply live in a time, with very little reflection of the moment or the previous moment.   But it seems there is something lost in the translation of things these days.   And I’m not talking about the grand/magnificent things… but the little simple moments that string our lives together… and the joy of recalling those simple moments… those little joys of discovery…   like that time we talked about ham radios, and the days of there being a Radio Shack in every town… back when people collected and assembled and erected equipment and towers – just to communicate with one another…   and nowadays we have communication technology that we couldn’t even of dreamed of… and yet that Science-fiction/discovery-feeling of reaching out into the void – the Outer Limits – The Twilight Zone – just to connect with other souls – seems nearly absent.   And I wonder where it went.   Because I would certainly like to see a revival of that sort of spirit… especially in regard to poetry and science and discovery… and just open soul to soul communication in general… without a flick left or flick right two second hook… just because it’s better – for a human world.      
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Teytonon commented on: Perhaps by gentle 1 year 23 weeks ago
Are you the poet…: Are you the poet who's known as 'gentle'? I notice you live in Canada, eh? I hope you don't think that I am mental   You may think I'm much too sentimental  But I guess I must have been born that way Hope you're not a person who's judgmental    You think it's more than coincidental We haven't met each other till today? Or maybe it is just accidental    May I ask a favor of you, gentle? If you would message me, I'd shout 'Hooray!'Hope your message isn't detrimental!   Here's something to think about, dear gentle I'm sure you know Dylan Thomas, ok? You think he's overly sentimental?  
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Starward commented on: Savior and the Soul by chillin 1 year 23 weeks ago
This is certainly a: This is certainly a perspective I have never encountered in my reading.  I was wondering what you might think of Dante's poem, Divine Comedy (the second and third canticles) and T. S. Eliot's poem, Ash Wednesday, especially the second through fourth sections? 
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Starward commented on: + 1ST POEMS: What They Talk About Around The Water Cooler by J-C4113d 1 year 23 weeks ago
Thank you so much for reading: Thank you so much for reading the poem and giving a comment.  I was a little nervous that the poem would not function effectively the way I wrote it, but your response to it tells me not to fret further.  I am very, very grateful to you for taking the time to read the poem and comment on it.  
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Starward commented on: @ 27.055 MHz: Ad Astra; Amor Omnibus Idem, Vergil Wrote by J-C4113d 1 year 23 weeks ago
Thank you for your kind words: Thank you for your kind words and the way they validate my purpose in this series.  I was amazed to find that particular line in Vergil; but, when one considers that even the greatest ancient Poet believed that Love is in us all (and therefore, all Loves become not only equal but related in kinship), I cannot omit referring to his poetic authority in my poems.  Because I lack Latin (except for the handful of words I have picked up over the decades), I know far less about Vergil than I could wish.  But I am very glad to know the little that I do know about him.  In Rome, he moved among the highest circles of power without compromising to any of them.  In our society, he would likely be persecuted, shunned, or ostracized as a "weirdo."
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patriciajj commented on: Some Things Beyond Dimension by patriciajj 1 year 23 weeks ago
There's never a need to: There's never a need to apologize. I fully understand that you're preoccupied with the business of living, as we all are, plus your physical distress. Your health and well-being come first!   Still I am incredibly grateful, and often inspired, by the magnanimous courtesy and consideration you show me as well as others here. Of course you're never under any obligation to respond to anything, and if anyone had an excuse to ignore a reply, it would be you, but uncommon courtesy results in uncommon kindness, and trust me when I say it does not go unnoticed or unappreciated.   So thank you for going above and beyond the call of duty and raising the bar on etiquette, for taking the time to leave a response, and a stunning one at that, and also for keeping me believing in humanity and in myself. That's one of the greatest gifts one could ever hope for.    Prayers and Light 
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patriciajj commented on: + 1ST POEMS: What They Talk About Around The Water Cooler by J-C4113d 1 year 23 weeks ago
If there's some imaginative: If there's some imaginative new way for you to construct an engaging poem, you'll find it.   This was a pure pleasure to read (or rather, overhear) and a less crafty wordsmith might have fumbled it, not made the snippets of conversation so realistic and certainly not even conceived of that bombshell ending that tied it all together with seamless panache.   It was truly cunning, the way you interlaced stories that could have been ripped from today's headlines with topics relevant to the ancient time period, certainly adding to the element of surprise later.   Pure genius. Love it! 
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Teytonon commented on: a robot wrote this, it wasn't really me by Morningglory 1 year 23 weeks ago
Until today..: Until today, I held a deep, dark secret But now, you know  I am not a poet Look closer and you'll find Everything I do is by design I am a bot! That's just what I am! Please let me explain  A bot is just AI...
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patriciajj commented on: @ 27.055 MHz: Ad Astra; Amor Omnibus Idem, Vergil Wrote by J-C4113d 1 year 23 weeks ago
There are skilled advocates: There are skilled advocates and there are skilled poets, but when the two talents are combined, I can feel Heaven open.   For too long the very purpose of our existence ("Love, the Poet wrote, indwells all of us the same") has been defiled by certain words, but now an eloquent voice stands between irrational fear and loving people who just want to express their purpose in peace.   Some may be tired of hearing "love is love" but that doesn't make it any less true. Fortunately, there are Poets who bring forth truth clothed in new garments of beauty such as this, and I feel hope.   A resplendent and evocative call for compassion.  
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Morningglory commented on: a robot wrote this, it wasn't really me by Morningglory 1 year 23 weeks ago
hahaha: that made me laugh
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Wordman commented on: Begin Again by Wordman 1 year 23 weeks ago
Thank you for the kind words: Thank you for the kind words and the visit, it's always a pleasure seeing you here. 
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Wordman commented on: Stepping Stones by Wordman 1 year 23 weeks ago
What a gracious comment,: What a gracious comment, thank you Sue. I write for my own pleasure, and when someone with your talent finds that to their liking, it makes it even more worthwhile. Again, thank you. 
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