@ 27.225 MHz: On PostPoems

". . . non omnia possummus omnes."

---Vergil, Eclogues, VIII

I pray PostPoems will always be a fellowship of affection;

and that the Poets it hosts will always maintain that connection,

always moving it forward and further in Love's direction.

I pray that those who cannot partake because of contempt and disdain

will disconnect from the soar of this flight, and take the train.


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Spinoza's picture

  I don’t know if it’s


I don’t know if it’s something in our blood, because we are of an older generation… or because we simply live in a time, with very little reflection of the moment or the previous moment.


But it seems there is something lost in the translation of things these days.


And I’m not talking about the grand/magnificent things… but the little simple moments that string our lives together… and the joy of recalling those simple moments… those little joys of discovery…


like that time we talked about ham radios, and the days of there being a Radio Shack in every town… back when people collected and assembled and erected equipment and towers – just to communicate with one another…


and nowadays we have communication technology that we couldn’t even of dreamed of… and yet that Science-fiction/discovery-feeling of reaching out into the void – the Outer Limits – The Twilight Zone – just to connect with other souls – seems nearly absent.


And I wonder where it went.


Because I would certainly like to see a revival of that sort of spirit… especially in regard to poetry and science and discovery… and just open soul to soul communication in general… without a flick left or flick right two second hook… just because it’s better – for a human world.




C03ru135c3n7's picture

Thank you for that well

Thank you for that well thought out perspective.  I agree with you.  And I was quite pleased to see Outer Limits mentioned.  That series in the early sixties (not the reworked series of the nineties) sparked my interest in astronomy, which has never fully left me.  I have a screen saver that shows each of the star fields that were shown as the end credits rolled.  And I often listen to both of the opening themes on youtube (I like Lubin's best).
