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SSmoothie commented on: pampers by Morningglory 1 year 21 weeks ago
Gratitude no matter how small: Gratitude no matter how small is such a powerful thing and such a powerless thing if there is none! Succinct but message recoeved! Noice!
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crypticbard commented on: Novelty Is Not A Good Thing by J-C4113d 1 year 21 weeks ago
Just when I began to wonder: Just when I began to wonder this post kept my mind from wandering. Sometimes things become quite clear during a health scare and such.
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crypticbard commented on: stars and gripes by arqios 1 year 21 weeks ago
You have been putting up a: You have been putting up a tremendous fight, any lesser gumptioned person would just wither away. That to me is a true inspiration as we live in ever increasingly trying times. At times it feels like 'they were the worst of times and they were getting worser still....' kind of feel. Dickens would turn in his grave several times over.
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crypticbard commented on: giant's demise by arqios 1 year 21 weeks ago
Thanks Starward. This image: Thanks Starward. This image is an actual one from the Betelguese flare in the 90s I think it was. For the unaware it has been posted as a visual to accompany the poem to round the experience, or at least in the hope to give more for those that may require it. I suppose the more metaphorical a text a visual anchor may aid in the reading or it also could very well backfire in the hands of the highly imaginative.
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Starward commented on: stars and gripes by arqios 1 year 21 weeks ago
I am so sorry for missing the: I am so sorry for missing the Belteguese poem, and I have just visited it and commented.  I am sorry I am not keeping up well with reading; please forgive me.  However, your Poems that I have read continue to remind me that you are one of PostPoems' great ones, and I am very grateful for the reading experiences you give us, and I applaud your literary achievement.  
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Starward commented on: giant's demise by arqios 1 year 21 weeks ago
How did I miss this beautiful: How did I miss this beautiful poem?  Apparently I am more messed up than I knew.  Anyhow, this Poem speaks so eloquently to my love of astronomical Poetry.  And, although I have hitherto not cared for images to be attached to a poem, I think the image you have attached to this one is perfect for it, and very much is part of the reading experience.
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crypticbard commented on: stars and gripes by arqios 1 year 21 weeks ago
Oh that is good to know,: Oh that is good to know, Starward. There is in fact another version of this a couple of poems back on the matter of the Betelguese. Hopefully that brings on a distinct nuance and feel from this one which you have so kindly responded to. Thanks most kindly. Freds.
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Starward commented on: stars and gripes by arqios 1 year 21 weeks ago
If I have not told you: If I have not told you before, I will just say now that I LOVE any poem that mentions or aliudes to astronomical data, imagery, or knowledge:  and this poem does that very, very well.  The poem is very concise:  the great American Poet, J.V. Cunningham considered that such concision (or compression, I think that is what he called it) is a proof of classical poetic talent, and you certainly prove that.  You are one of PostPoems' great ones, and I applaud your poetic accomplishment.  Your highly skilled verbal artistry is most certainly an example of exponential excellence.
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Teytonon commented on: a robot wrote this, it wasn't really me by Morningglory 1 year 21 weeks ago
You bots think you're so: You bots think you're so smart. You think you can outsmart me, a real human being? I checked online, and it said never to respond to a bot! That allows the bot to install malware on your device that will silently collect my personal information! What do you say now, bot? A bot can never outsmart a... Oh. Damn! Foiled again by a bot!  
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crypticbard commented on: we're living in a meridian world by arqios 1 year 21 weeks ago
Thank you j-called these are: Thank you j-called these are very kind and encouraging words that I shall keep close in mind to carry with me as I continue my journey.
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Morningglory commented on: a robot wrote this, it wasn't really me by Morningglory 1 year 21 weeks ago
I might be a robot: I'm artificially intelligent! Wasn't born with it. Just learned behavior.
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j-called commented on: we're living in a meridian world by arqios 1 year 21 weeks ago
I always admire how evocative: I always admire how evocative your language is, and how you always select very powerful words to carry out the poem's function.
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j-called commented on: Footnote: Thursday, May 6th, 1937 [Repost, Typos Corrected] by J-C4113d 1 year 21 weeks ago
Thank you, although: Thank you, although admittedly, I came up short by not recognizing the exact date a couple of days ago.  Yesterday morning, I also watched an interesting documentary in which an amateur photographer's film of the explosion had been found in an attic or such, and offered a rather interesting perspective other than the "classical" network footage that become associated with the crash.  I was struck by the way the amateur film emphasized the dismal appearance of the daylight that afternoon, making the Hindenburg appear more like a ghost ship.  That added a very eerie quality to the view.
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patriciajj commented on: No apology necessary by SSmoothie 1 year 21 weeks ago
The wisdom of this: The wisdom of this motivational wonder is in its balance, its reason, its inclusiveness and its highly-evolved acceptance of other paths that may differ from ours. But whatever path one chooses, you say with contagious resolve, unshrinking daring and eloquent clarity, do it without apology and do it with your entire soul:   "Find a thousand Hills to die on! Have a say on everything! Freedom dies when one drowns out the other And the only compromise Is one where your soul dies Living someone else's truth"   Wow! What an earth-shattering, diamond-cutting, life-affirming monument to Who We Really Are. Words to frame, to cherish, to celebrate and to grow by!   In inspiring style, you certainly did light a fire under me to take that "step up to the golden truth/ One crazy old soapbox at a time" where "Forgivness is a given" (great reminder!) and freedom waits "On the other side".   A revitalizing burst of beautiful, beautiful energy.
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patriciajj commented on: Footnote: Thursday, May 6th, 1937 [Repost, Typos Corrected] by J-C4113d 1 year 21 weeks ago
An imaginative take on the: An imaginative take on the horrific event, and yes, it very much seemed like a prophetic metaphor of what was to come. An interesting look back.   
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