stars and gripes



stars and  gripes


~ imPRESSions ~


Author's Notes/Comments: 




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J9thxciv's picture

If I have not told you

If I have not told you before, I will just say now that I LOVE any poem that mentions or aliudes to astronomical data, imagery, or knowledge:  and this poem does that very, very well.  The poem is very concise:  the great American Poet, J.V. Cunningham considered that such concision (or compression, I think that is what he called it) is a proof of classical poetic talent, and you certainly prove that.  You are one of PostPoems' great ones, and I applaud your poetic accomplishment.  Your highly skilled verbal artistry is most certainly an example of exponential excellence.


redbrick's picture

Oh that is good to know,

Oh that is good to know, Starward. There is in fact another version of this a couple of poems back on the matter of the Betelguese. Hopefully that brings on a distinct nuance and feel from this one which you have so kindly responded to. Thanks most kindly. Freds.

here is poetry that doesn't always conform

galateus, arkayye, arqios,arquious, crypticbard, excalibard, wordweaver

J9thxciv's picture

I am so sorry for missing the

I am so sorry for missing the Belteguese poem, and I have just visited it and commented.  I am sorry I am not keeping up well with reading; please forgive me.  However, your Poems that I have read continue to remind me that you are one of PostPoems' great ones, and I am very grateful for the reading experiences you give us, and I applaud your literary achievement.  


redbrick's picture

You have been putting up a

You have been putting up a tremendous fight, any lesser gumptioned person would just wither away. That to me is a true inspiration as we live in ever increasingly trying times. At times it feels like 'they were the worst of times and they were getting worser still....' kind of feel. Dickens would turn in his grave several times over.

here is poetry that doesn't always conform

galateus, arkayye, arqios,arquious, crypticbard, excalibard, wordweaver