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patriciajj commented on: Memories in Notebooks by djtj 1 year 19 weeks ago
The casual charm and: The casual charm and identifiable impressions jotted down quickly and without pretense made this instantly accessible, artfully simple and immersive. I always thoroughly enjoy your authenticity and genuine talent, in fact, when I see a new post from you, I consider it a must-read.  
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Starward commented on: Terror Ten Years Ago by randyjohnson 1 year 19 weeks ago
What a splendid gesture to: What a splendid gesture to honor them with one of your death poems.  You are quite the elegist, and you certainly set a standard on PostPoems for poems of this kind.
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wisdomscry commented on: Second Look by wisdomscry 1 year 19 weeks ago
  Thank you Heather! :   Thank you Heather! 
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Starward commented on: Beside the Still Fallen Sky by patriciajj 1 year 19 weeks ago
In this poem, the Poet: In this poem, the Poet follows the strategy of her great peer, Wallace Stevens, by locating two major concepts deep in the body of the text:  one in the middle, and one iat the conclusion.  This is exponentially Stevensian.  And these concepts dovetail into each other, so I am not sure where to begin.  She speaks of sky-love, which, when her poems are collected someday into a single, and hopefully annotated volume, might be either the title or the subtitle of the entire collection.  The sky is so many things:  it is our perspective of our space; our two closest astronomical objects, the sun and the moon, share it as a venue; the planets dance their wandering paths across the grandeur of the fixed stars that turn through it like a great adagio.  Sky-love is, in her usage of it, a Unified Field Theory which, as applied to her Poems, brings them all into a single array.  A UFT attempts to account for the function of all forces and elements within existence---and that, definitely, is what her Poetry does.  She also establishes what I might call a conservation of personality within the function of her UFT:  no one gets lost in it.  It is a shelter, a haven, and a venue---just like the sky is for the sun, moon, planets and stars.  See how these Poems of her works?  I want to paraphrase another interpretation of Stevens and, because I have been reading about Stevens since October 1978, I cannot, in my state of health and age, remember where all these ideas about his stuff come from.  So I will state this with the caveat that this is not my own understanding, I was taught this by one of Stevens' commentators:  and the gist of it was the enormous amount of control between Stevens' poems.  You can find contradictions in the poems of Eliot, Pound, even the great and magnificent Vergil.  But Stevens seems to avoid this; and Patricia does as well, and this is the literary aspect of how a UFT functions.  And in this poem she metaphorizes it as the sky.  And the sky is to be loved---as those of us who like to watch the stars love the sky for revealing them to us.    She states that "the celestial is Earth / as it should be."  Here, her UFT shatters certain false distinctions that human beings, with their often limited perceptions, make for themselves and then very often impose upon their brethren.  We like dichotomies:  earth is "down here," and the sky is "up there."  There is a terrestrial and a celestial.  Yet we know that all things, including ourselves except our souls (which is God's breath within us) are made of hydrogen, which is as old as the earliest Cosmos, or elements fused from hydrogen in the cores of the stars.  Here, too, is a unified field that encompasses all sorts of existences.   Her UFT also offers us the possibility of what the poem calls "dimensionless joy."  If something has dimensions, it also has limits; and she is speaking of a joy without limits, an infinity of joy, which is certainly the joy that God meant for us to experience.     There is a lot going on in this poem, just as there is in the subsets and subroutines of a UFT.  You will need to read this poem at least twice, and likely more than twice, to hear all of the nuances and pick up all the phrases as the Poet meant them to be.  As I was reading, I thought of a metaphor . . . of the wildflower meadow that formed the westward half of my grandparents' property, just above the village of Germantown.  A small creeklet bisected the property north to south; and when you crossed the plank bridge over the creeklet, you enter the wildflower meadow.  At the height of summer, you would see or hear all sorts of activities going on, far more than you could take in during one visit.  This poem is like my grandparents' wildflower meadow.  It cannot be taken in on one visit; and it generously rewards subsequent visits.    
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Starward commented on: Dread locks it up by Teytonon 1 year 19 weeks ago
That others are seeking the: That others are seeking the nomination of that party indicate that the Innkeeper's stranglehold upon it, and by extension upon this country, is not complete:  chinks in the armor are becoming visible.  With these internal struggles, plus the continuing prosecutions on several charges may totally dislodge him from the pinnicles of power.  The strategy his opponents must follow, in seeking the nomination, is to keep him off balance by constantly and consistently bringing up his failures, his errors, and the illegalities of which he seems to be guilty.  His sole answers to that---fake news or witch hunts---can become so exhausted that they will ultimately fail him.  And we should also remember, since he put the idea of witch hunts on the table, that the Salem witch hunts began in falsehood---a bit for attention that accelerated, and then veered out of control.  The witch hunts he believes are happening, all around him, have begun in the falsehoods by which, for four years, he hoodwinked the American people.
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Starward commented on: Yet [*/+/^] : 27.225 MHz, Some Final Measures; To All The Starwatchers, After Psalm 19:1-6 by J-C4113d 1 year 20 weeks ago
Thank you so very much for: Thank you so very much for those kind words.
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SSmoothie commented on: Whoah there Tiger! by SSmoothie 1 year 20 weeks ago  
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patriciajj commented on: Simple things by SSmoothie 1 year 20 weeks ago
Your urgent call to preserve: Your urgent call to preserve the fleeting wonderment, precious firsts and fragile purity of children's lives (and our own!) is unspeakably noble, and you present these "simple things" with such poetic grace, empathy and elation that it becomes clear that these are things that should be guarded with our lives.   As you so impeccably declared in an explosion of truth: "The death of innocence is no small crime".   A stunning vision of a better world.  
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patriciajj commented on: Yet [*/+/^] : 27.225 MHz, Some Final Measures; To All The Starwatchers, After Psalm 19:1-6 by J-C4113d 1 year 20 weeks ago
Profound reflections on the: Profound reflections on the astronomical signposts that marked earth-shattering events. Your expansive and highly significant thoughts inspire awe and praise. Is there a greater poetic gift?  
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Wordman commented on: Simple things by SSmoothie 1 year 20 weeks ago
Happily I am living those: Happily I am living those simpler times once more. With age comes wisdom, and the chance for a do over. 
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Starward commented on: War Cry? by humanfruit 1 year 20 weeks ago
This is a very wise poem.: This is a very wise poem.
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Starward commented on: Yet [*/+/^] : 27.225 MHz, Some Final Measures; Prayer For A Friend's Sibling by J-C4113d 1 year 20 weeks ago
Thank you very much!  I: Thank you very much!  I continue to pray.
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crypticbard commented on: scare by arqios 1 year 20 weeks ago
Thank you most kindly: Thank you most kindly Starward. Your opting to fast breakfast is a most significant sacrifice and even more so in your current state of health. I am truly grateful and humbled beyond words. You have offered up a gift beyond compare. May the angels hasten to note this compassion that you have selflessly shown, in their book of reckoning.  
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crypticbard commented on: scare by arqios 1 year 20 weeks ago
Thank you kind Patricia. We: Thank you kind Patricia. We are still waiting on the medical team as there is also an accompanying stage-3 kidney disease they are looking into.
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Morningglory commented on: I think I remember something by Morningglory 1 year 20 weeks ago
is it just aging?: it makes me feel a sense of dementia 
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