Leave the children to be children with wild imaginations that they don't need to be affirmed for. Give them the freedom to explore the gamut of ideas without the march to the drs office. Adults can choose the health care they need. Children are incapable of understanding the full gravity of the situation and the consequences. My personal experience I wanted to be a different sex because I didn't fit in with my own, or anywhere else only to later find anyone who looks like they fit in, is probably faking it too. But I am so glad after some horrible incidents I can say I am happy as God made me. This issue has gone well past normalising and celebrating to enforcing which is neither kind nor free. Yep I said it. The law revision that was introduced by a trans person wanted to omit the part about pedophiles being excluded form protected LGBTQI+ status. And from that moment I am very disaapointed and disgusted with the whole alphabet except L&G at this point in time because they aren't the only trans to do it and because the piggy backing off the Gay and lesbian community was wrong. They fought so hard for thier rights. The others just exploded.after jumping on yo the band wagon and went crazy trying to invent something new hence the alphabet gumbo. The blatant tokenism in any movie or tv show with so much over representation. just turns everyone into charactarures, for example like Dylan M which are offensive and stereotypical male assumptions of what a woman is. As if its that simple. . Yeah I've had enough shoved down my throat. Anyone who willingly wants to support pedeophelia and sexualising children is not someone I want my self or any young ones around. They have destroyed everything by making sexual preferences everything when no one actually gives a shit until it involves children. The trans drag lap dances on school children totally not cool. I hope and pray this is not the majority and those who are against it as trans or another letter in the group of which i have more than a few friends and relatives is very vocal about stopping this for children. Let them be innocent without projecting adult themes concepts and ideas on to them. They will grow up and join the frey soon enough - too soon I fear. Peace and love to all good people doing good things out there whoever you are and however you're doing it.
Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS
"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."
“piggy backing”?
Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera both drag queens and Rivera, trans led the Stonewall protests in the vanguard against police which initiated the gay liberation movevent.
Alliswend bin ich nicht, doch vie list mir bewußt.
I know the history of the
I know the history of the movent and where it started Although the Stonewall riots of 1969 in New York are popularly remembered as the spark
that produced a new movement, the origins predate these iconic events.[17] Resistance to police bar-raids was nothing new: as early as 1725, customers fought off a police raid at a London homosexual molly house.[18]
Organized movements, particularly in Western Europe, have been active since the 19th century, producing publications, forming social groups and campaigning for social and legal reform. In the early 1890s, the trial of Oscar Wilde was widely reported in Germany and spurred discussion of homosexuality, leading to the homosexual emancipation movement in Germany, the first modern gay rights movement.[19][20]
Drags dont need to read books to children or give teenagers lap dances End of story, now going to an old folks home? That's community service! And yes piggy backing off the movement. Because the rest automatically gained status because they made a bill that lumped everyone into one group well that one large group is no longer a minority or marginalised and therefore the expansion into indoctrination and exposing children to sexualised ideas before they need to or have the capacity to form a sexual identity of their own is not kind or necessary . Gender is different is it not? It isn't about sexual preference. And any obsession of preference no matter how amoral is now suddenly legit to let pedofiles into the rainbow alphabet family.? There are also moves for incest to be accepted, whats the rule for beastiality, necrophilia ? so where is the line? Is there one? The drag queens know who they are no problem there. Fluid gender and fluid preferences that's just immature. We all regularly choose masculine or feminine actions ideas all the time without calling yourself one sex or the other to suit. From wearing shorts to wearing jewellery, watching an action movie eor a romantic comedy There is room for everyone, but not everything. Children do not need more confusion and influences and grooming. Yes there are piggy backed ideas that were no where near the original movement. There are many good people doing good things but I am happy to call out the bad and the bad deeds. Sometimes you just can't get away with whatever you want. Anyone who wants to recruit an army of children to what end? Its not ok and its not right to do this to people who cannot control what happens to them, or understand complex ideas. End of story. Drag is an ancient tradition. Maybe you should read it again. FYI drag is not legitimately a sexual preference. Shock horror! Although welcomed into the rainbow of diversity they are not an official sexual preference. Only gay drag queens/kings can qualify in terms of the terms. Interesting isn't it? Either way I am talking about the destruction of the notion of family, blood ties and a whole gamut of social revolution. This is the piggy backing I am calling out here But as it expands into facism and controlling language and ideas of the other its time to crush the over step or else only one type of social norm is allowed. Once freedom and children are involved the walls go up. Nothing good can come of a diet of what's good for me is good for you. Its simply not.
"for its links to the counterculture of the time (e.g. groups like the Radical Faeries) and for the gay liberationists' intent to transform or abolish fundamental institutions of society such as gender and the nuclear family,[7] regardless of whether they had anything to do with the actual principles of gay rights.[11] In general, the politics were radical, anti-racist, and anti-capitalist.[12] In order to achieve such goals, consciousness raising and direct action were employed. While HIV/AIDS activism and awareness (in groups such as ACT UP) radicalized a new wave of lesbians and gay men in the 1980s, and radical groups have continued to exist ever since, by the early 1990s the radicalism of gay liberation was eclipsed in the mainstream by newly-out, pro-assimilationist gay men and women who stressed civil rights and mainstream politics.[3]"
Yes well. Sometimes you really have to know alot, see alot, think alot research alot experience alot
Like did you know if a male who wishes to transition doesn't allow their member to grow fully the reassignment surgery cannot be performed successfully and with blockers given early mean this surgery is not possible to complete to a functional standard. Most trans regret which there is a lot of is unsupported and rejected by the rainbow family and government. Reversal is not funded and this is a cruel by product of over zealous progression to build numbers.
Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS
"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."
Decades ago, when I was an
Decades ago, when I was an undergrad History major, I wanted to be able to write with the kind of inromative power that you have put into your analysis of Stonewall riots and their antcedents in recent History; unfortunately I was never able to command that kind of style. Even my senior thesis, required for the degree and worked over for a couple of months, was not as well polished as your words above. I applaud your mastery of both poetry and prose.
Thanks Starward! Coming from
Thanks Starward! Coming from you this is very high praise and I do not think my huffing and puffing could ever match your keen intellectual and your incredible analysis of any and all things
Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS
"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."
You did an excellent job
You did an excellent job being inclusive and respectful of individuals' rights to their orientation while objectively exposing some very real potential for abuse. As if we need more of that.
Some things are simply right or wrong, and it's baffling that there even needs to be a partisan divide or any argument about it. I love how you concluded your intelligent and compassionate children's advocacy piece with an undogmatic, gracious and enlightened attitude:
"Peace and love to all good people doing good things out there whoever you are and however you're doing it."
Your path illuminates mine.
Thank you i am honoured that
Thank you i am honoured that you can see the intention here drawing a reasonable line 8n the proverbial sand.
Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS
"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."
The powerful empathy and
The powerful empathy and wisdom in your words radiate right off the page, like an fissionable substance, and into the readers' minds. Well written, well thought out, and well presented.
Thankyou its hard to be fair
Thankyou its hard to be fair and real in a world of propaganda that glorifies tearing down the old and filling it with the new. A compromise must be reached. And the only way is being brave enough to say what is not ok and be ready for the truth of any side where compromise or acceptance resides. Cancel culture is an abomination to me. the most dividing, unloving and dictatorial thing and Stalin started it and Hitler refined it. The world is far more complicated than anyone wants to think so the more absurd the distraction the easier it is to manoeuvre in the darkness... who operates in the darkness with no light? Nothing good in my eyes. Hidden agendas have a lot to answer for we are all sleeping at the wheel of the next generations inheritance... blessingss ss
Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS
"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."
BTW, I apologize for the
BTW, I apologize for the silly typo in my previous comment.