One Last Road Trip!

One last road trip!      

I got the call today you died they said
The world as i saw it stopped instead
My mind is blank and my heart sure did flip
I wish we could have had one last road trip
I miss your laugh and the smile thereafter
Oh how i wanna hear you yell at that driver
We had quite the adventure at our fingertip
Miss you already wish i had one last road trip
Your at peace but I feel like an empty cup
I will always remember you behind the wheel
The cars whizzing by us giving us lip
Rest dear brother soon we will get our last road trip



Author's Notes/Comments: 

this ones to my brother who died on august 10th in his sleep its weird but i havent cried im not sure why, he had a severe heart condition  cardiomyopathy big words for simply put congestive heart failure our father died of the same thing but his heart was pumping at 50% my brother who was 52 died in his sleep with his heart pumping at 13% the doctors didnt know why he lasted this long because he should have died before he did but im glad we had a little more time with him, dont wait too long b4 you make amends with someone because when you want to finally make amends it might just be too late !!!

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My heart goes out to you, and

My heart goes out to you, and I have prayed for you.   I have chronic heart failure in my old age, so I can relate to this poem.
