As I loo into the mirror, I see a little girl that has so much pain hiding behind that tiny body of hers
She is lost in her ways physically, mentally, and emotionally
Gaining some type of clarity, but fact remains she has lost herself in this maze of life
Poundering on what life holds for her, she reaches out hoping she can get in contact with her innerself
But that part of her fades away like a candle being blowed out.
Words start to make no sense at all and she is starting to doubt all faith
Praying that God would see her through everything, she convinces herself that nothing is going to come of it
Day in and day out she looks at that same image staring back at her in that dusty mirror
Focusing on every little detail that glass shows
She takes her fingers and touches the mirror and traces the outlinesof her face
She sighs in dismay, and pounds on the mirror until it shatters in million of pieces
Scared and confused she watches as the glass hits the sink and floor one by one
Convinced she is all alonein this world
She starts crying, hoping someone will hear her
But pure silence
She balls up in a corner and slides down the wall next to the broken glass
Crying her eyes out
Once again hoping someone hears her
Not even a gust of wind could take her mind off the emptyiness of the room or the hole in her heart she had
She thinks to herself maybe if I pray I can get some type of closure
Kneeling on her knees and in deep conversation, she ask for some guidience and comfort
In return she feels all her sorrows fading away
Her tears are magically gone
And she holds her head up with pride
A pefect picture of lonliness and pain, heart wrenching well done
Excellent testimony to
Excellent testimony to faith. Welcome to postpoems.