Bite the Poisoned Apple

Welcome to My Life

Lick down the apple slowly,
Taste the soft blood that drips down.
Breathe in the scent of the apple
And feel her blood inside you.


Her tears dripped down the apple,
Staining it until it reflects the sunlight.
Chaos flows within the core.
Discord will reign among the world.


You've slain the goddess of war,
Taking away the pride she had in bloodshed.
The undead rise on the path you've created,
Destroying the balance of this world.


Bite the apple to consume its power
And suffer a slow death of hell.
The poison shall make you perish,
Bringing all the evil with you.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Sept. 23, 2014


I had no inspiration this night other than the fact my Wartune avatar's name is Eris.

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KindredSpirit's picture

Damn Bear

You made this sooooooo cool.

And Happy Halloween to you.

And all your amuses lookin' at you.

Paint one for me,  Bro.


deepinyourdreams's picture

There you go...


deepinyourdreams's picture

Bite the Poisoned Apple

I liked the story....needs a picture


MissSaigon's picture

Maybe I'll add one soon

Maybe I'll add one soon