My name is Faith, though i have none at all.
Im circling My pit of extinction trying to fall
Im very sad, depressed, and sometimes I dont know why
I guess Im not meant to be happy I just wish I'd die
By the time i turned seven I knew that life was meaningless
and when i was eight it kinda concealed my happiness
I've Pushed and I've Pulled I;ve acted so well
I've pretended I was happy and now no one can tell
That inside I'm drowning increasing the presure
Depressing and sentancing myself to death at my leasure
Six years old my first Suicicde Attempt
Im a failure and that I Accept
But i kept trying, this one Goal to accomplish
Eleven years later still failing to Accomplish
Adding more Weight to my Emotional Strangle hold
Trying to find more Reasons for Why I cant be Alone
But I am and I will Always be this Cold
No one can save me from Myself I was Told
Music Helps me Relise Expression of my Feeling
But Dont You Think Suicide Is More Revealing?
I've hung I've OD'ed I've Bled and I Bleed
I've cut and I've Burnt but I still dont succeed
Doing anything and eveything, Regretting I was Born
But whatever happened then, Im Here now, Blooddrawn
I wish the Blood will stop flowing, My cuts stop Healing
Untill then I guess I'll just keep Dreaming
You can always think of it this way... every pain and every cut just makes you stronger... and before you know it... you'll be immune to it all. Just be sure to quit when you know you can ignore the pain. And yes indeed life can be shitty... as you state... but its up to us to rise above it... and there's strength to be gained from it all. What I'm probably sayin ain't shit to ya since its been almost a year since you wrote this... but I guess I'll say all of this anyway for the hell of it