The Warrior in Me

Stays fighting everyday.
Showing my heart and will the way.
My soul is his personal locker.
He trains harder than a boxer.
His spirit will never break, that's what he says.

Never knew how much he does.
Didn't know how important he was.
I wish this doubt wasn't in me.
I wish his full destiny I can see.
Wakes my spirit like an alarm buzz.

He suits up and prepares for battle.
His trusty stead he straddles.
Absolutely no fear in his eyes.
Going against him just isn't wise.
He keeps me strong, now hear my battle cry!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Leave a comment, I love feedback.
P.S. Thank you for reading my poem(:

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I hear your battle cry... be

I hear your battle cry... be strong Warrior!

Copyright © JessterStarshine