Your smile is more beautiful than a summer sunset.
Your beauty renders me speechless, no matterhow you dress.
When I look into your eyes I cry tears of joy.
I love you so much, I will settle for being your little toy.
Your desire is my command.
I will go through hell to be your man.
I can never do enough to please you.
I'll gladly give up everything for you.
These words do not sufficiently describe you.
Pictures do not do justice to you.
You are truely a gift from above.
You're the only woman to hold my love.
I like it.
I like it. Doesn't quite seem like something a guy not on Disney channel would write but I like it. Keep going strong. It was very Bruno Marsish. You know I-would-catch-a-grenade-for-you type of thing. Anyway I think it's sweet writing a poem for her. Whoever her is. But I would suggest keeping the little heart break lines out very unmanly. Just a suggestion. I mean if you are a guy. I haven't read your profile so I dont know if you are a guy. Ranting I know, I am strange and mean and shouldn't comment on anything. Anyway your's in words,
Now that 'tis true devotion.
"Your desire is my command.
I will go through hell to be your man.
I can never do enough to please you.
I'll gladly give up everything for you."
I think that I too would love nothing better than to hold onto a warm body than just some materialistic objects.
What a lucky Queen.
Great write.
"We are, Each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another." -Luciano De Crescenzo