The form of Haiku is not easily written, but you have done a masterful work here, creating an entire implied backstory, and a profound depth of emotional agony, in
three short lines. Wow!
J-9thxciv [pronounced J Ninth Ninety-four]
thank you for the visit,not really a hauki ,but close enough for me
ron parrish
Sleek! Nicely put together :)
Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS
"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."
thank you
This was BANG on the nail !! No frills
thank you mr bishu
i know this is not a real hauki,
but who cares,i like it
its only not real if it doesn't exist...
and this is a fine haiku...
perhaps the style shoud be the aptly named Parrish Haiku...
very clever indeed
thank you, maybe it would
hey, it's me :~s~
lol,whos me ?
The form of Haiku is not
The form of Haiku is not easily written, but you have done a masterful work here, creating an entire implied backstory, and a profound depth of emotional agony, in
three short lines. Wow!
J-9thxciv [pronounced J Ninth Ninety-four]
thank you for the visit,not
thank you for the visit,not really a hauki ,but close enough for me
ron parrish
Sleek! Nicely put together :)
Sleek! Nicely put together :)
Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS
"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."
thank you
thank you
ron parrish
This was BANG on the nail !! No frills
thank you mr bishu
thank you mr bishu
ron parrish
i know this is not a real
i know this is not a real hauki,
but who cares,i like it
ron parrish
its only not real if it doesn't exist...
and this is a fine haiku...
perhaps the style shoud be the aptly named Parrish Haiku...
very clever indeed
thank you, maybe it would
thank you, maybe it would
ron parrish
red shirt Haiku
hey, it's me :~s~
lol,whos me ?
lol,whos me ?
ron parrish