With a heavy heart,And tear filled eyes
I watched your car,Pull out of our drive
I kept thinking to myself,She cant be gone
I wanted to see,Your brakelights come on
I hoped we would work,If we gave it time
Time didn't work,You didn't change your mind
Its to late now,But I plainly see
You are my life,My world to me
As I walk in our home,All around I see
Are memories of our life,And what used to be
Now its a house,I dont call it a home
I have just given up,I dont want to go on
With strong drink in hand,I see mistakes I made
But I must do this,I cant be afraid
I have lost my Love, My Lover,My best friend
Now I close my eyes,To never open them again
I have nothing to live for,My living is done
With shaking hand,I pick up the gun
The explosion is loud,It shatters the night
My pain is now gone,I've given up the fight
WOW, Buren, that is intense!
Don't know what more I could say.
Excellent job.
This poem is filled with emotion. A very good write. Although life can sometimes get us down, we must always try to be strong, positive, and optimistic.