Lord I know it was wrong
To entertain such thoughts.
Forgive me.
For a season it kept company
my loneliness
And affirmed me
in the face of rejection
but it left me empty
I know this is precise
yet it seems like such a price
I know you can do the impossible
Nothing is too difficult
So I ask for the unfeasible
If you can do that,
I know you can do this
My heart hurts a bit
But I lay down my fit
Wanting to have my way
I give way to your will
I want to please you still
Give me the strength to kill
My flesh that demands its thrills
I can feel my carnal dying
I hear my soul crying
My heart is sighing
Between beats of reality
Jolting me,
Almost mockingly
I know this is right
I must not fight your will.
Please remove my hurt
And with abundance
and overflow fill
Me anew with your spirit.
not my will, but
your will be done.
This is my daily struggle. I will say that it is getting easier. I think this is a very inspiring piece.