

Darts of distraction

Thoughts like swarms

Buzz in our ear

Many ideas vain

Hindering how we hear

Indecisiveness a pain

Not knowing which way to go

Desires rolling like tires

Draw me into camp fires

A moth like hypnosis

My strong will can't

handle this

I strongly want what I want

I weakly don't want what I should

oh God help me not to doubt

but continue to seek after your good.

Help me to resist temptations of mind

the enticing entangling kind

of imagination

that must be cast down

by mental segregation.

Over my head,

your word is crown

may your joy be my strength

wearing no frown

but with your armor completed

the enemy in my life will be defeated.

Buzz off killer bees

Fly away black scavenger

For there will no spoil

for you this day

The lord is my avenger.

My knight in shining armor

My life is in his hand

To him I anon surrender.

Buzz off!

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raila's picture

Your commitmint to spirit over flesh truly astounds me and in a strange way is quite inspiring! Excellent write!
