Minor Details

Trembling lips are being mocked,

Teased and taunted by shaking hands.

Floods of tears are pushed to their brinks-

Resting on the ledge of mascara levies.

A blink from forceful lashes sends one cascading-

Falling over the rapids of cheek bones and flesh.

The single salty drop rests on a blushed lip.

The soft, quivering brim absorbes the moisture.

A kiss could have easily removed that tear.

A comforting embrace could very well be the remidy-

The cure to her breaking heart.

It currently rests- barely beating-

Twitching and twisting within her chest.

Each lurch of her heart forces her to ghasp.

Quickly taking a breath- only to, once again

Take a stab at the impossible task of letting no more tears escape.

She MUST push them deeper and deeper-

Back into her uneasy soul.

Her restless body tenses its muscles- Pure discomfort.

Harnessing her own confusion-

And ebracing the pain within.

Screaming until her throat burns-

Vocal chords feel cut - worn.

Her weary eyes begin to shut-

Then tighter and tighter she clasps them down.

Hug her- Embrace her - Kiss her

Do not leave her to drown in her tears.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Things don't always work out as you want them to.

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Ill hug you embrace you and kiss you;) Not a problem:D