A Ride With Death

Mounting the broad back,

Of a savage blackened horse,

He kicked his heels, and with one yell,

Took off with athletic force.

He flew through out the darkness,

Prepared for any fight.

Attendant to a higher Lord,

He was a servant… and a Knight.

A warrior of the underworld,

Evil’s most respected king,

He stole the souls, consumed with guilt,

And guided them under his wing.

I couldn’t stop for death,

So he pulled the horse’s reigns,

Helped me up, and next to him,

Which inflicted favorable pains.

My torment satisfied us,

With each step down the path,

I saw his sword – unholy blade,

Foreseeing its mighty wrath.

I was overcome with pleasure,

When he did not kill me with the knife,

But yet, disturbed and ungrateful,

To have to continue with my life.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I was reading an Emily Dickinson poem and that line "I could not stop for death" just made me really think.

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Shawndine Lynn's picture

This is very good writing. The imagery is spectacular.