Reality's Nightmare

Shooting starts and moonlight,

Only exist in dreams.

But how am I to sleep?

When I can only hear my screams.

My bed will still be empty,

And you will not be near…

Leaving me to cope with,

Loneliness and fear.

Silence overwhelms me,

And picks apart my brain.

My heart aches from the darkness,

Kneading in my pain.

I just might drown in nightmares,

- A depth unbearably deep.

That’s why I get afraid,

When it is time to sleep.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I can't sleep when I think of how much I miss him. And if I do fall asleep during this thought, they are dreams of loss. ~ No good

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Tim Hill's picture

This is a claustrophobic piece that really lets the reader have insight on your soul. Keep creating this wonderful art!