Land of the Free? Home of the Brave?


Here we go again 

The annual anal ritual of subjugating ourselves to an institution we believe has the power to destroy us if we do not pay tribute

Land of the Free?

Home of the Brave? 

Cowards, the lot of us 


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Instead send that check to the nearest elementary school whether you've got kids that go there or not... I double dog dare ya... 


to the guy who just pm'd me: Yes I do, but to be fair my kids went there... I figure I owe that little school for 2 kids over 10 years + mileage reimbursement for the 8 mile round trip to the busstop... 

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Of the government and it's

Of the government and it's ruling class, always take at least as much, if not more, than you provide. Emotionally, economically, etc. 


Of the family, friends, community around you and struggling people of the world, always give more than you take. Emotionally, economically, etc..


This is how we rebalance an imbalanced world.

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Once upon a time...

I was the latter, though I took a vow of poverty rather than take from my fellows... now by some miracle I've become the former, though in no position of influence at all... best pray that I never am cuz in my mind, from what I've witnessed in just the last 3 hours alone, we are all in bigsh*t trouble... omkalima omkalima omkalima...