to the guy who just pm'd me: no thank you... I much prefer hanging out on my forty, smoking weed all day long and minding my own business... I realize "The American Dream" ( I got the 40 acres, still waitin' on that mule) and I can tell you I didn't come to it by going along with the status quo... Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Happiness requires unwavering hypervigilance to maintain..."The Status Quo is the enemy of Liberty" - I suppose there are some of us that don't want to be free, which is fine by me, however we must not impose our rules on others so that we can feel safe in our prison...
to the other guy who just pm'd me... no, you must realize your own dream... however you may leave your phone number and I will call you when I need firewood...
to the other other guy who just pm'd me... yes indeed I do have some thoughts on how to implement such a plan in which I have no vested interest whatsoever (and neither should you;)... let me know when you're ready, best make it quick before you-know-who declares himself king (in all seriousness I am curious to know exactly when you thought America was ever great... oh and I need your cell # so I can call you when I need firewood since my firewood guy fled with his elderly mother because he was afraid they would be deported... he was the only person who would come out this far, it took a long time for me to find him & for him to find someone who pays in cash, no questions asked... you fucked that up for both of us)... and what-the-hell do you have against pennies (if you didn't like my poem you could just say so, you don't have to outlaw pennies)...
to the last guy who pm'd me... I will refer you to my peace-piece entitled "this is weird..."
to the new guy who pm'd me... ages 11 to whenever...
to the guy who pm'd me @ 3:46 this morning: Son I am old enough to be your grandmother, possibly even your great-grandmother, since I can only assume by your insolent tone that you must be a very young whelp indeed...
follow-up#1... 108 actually and clearly no one has cared enough about you to teach you any manners... until now... omkalima one, omkalima two, omkalima three...
f-u#2... apology accepted... now be a good boy and go fetch me a dirty chai latte...
Excellent ideas! Myself, I
Excellent ideas! Myself, I prefer the way the Founders wrote it, although I would abolish the electoral college and the second term.
Personally I think...
we should all be self-governing and trust our fellow humans to be the same but that is a very tough concept to sell:D
Thanks for visiting _()_
Yes it is. And thanks for
Yes it is. And thanks for the reply.