someone better

life is just a game, everyone's trying to win

but it's always cancelled, they always forfeit

if life is like the working place, i'm calling in sick

i can't take this anymore, i think i'm going to quit

paint this face, make it look real fake

in this world, you need to die to be alive

take my name, i never wanted to be real

i'd like to turn back, sometimes you never survive

someone better should take my place

when in doubt, i should be replaced

i can't see into this empty hall

someone better should take my fall

i can take all i want, but i'll still want more

if i can take you down two ways, you can take me down four

if there must be, there will be, must be some way to live

i'm going down a dead end path, i take more than i give

someone better has to step in

i can't stand this anymore

someone better take me away from here

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Joe Ferguson's picture

Interesting idea here. I like the way you use the idea of death as life, a reversal very nice.