HIS arms enfolded me with the warmth of a summer's zephyr touch
A place, I needed to be.
HE is the centered calm of my storm......
father! father ...
where are you going?
When I saw you last
your eyes shown with the light of life!
dear father...
what is wrong with your hands?
The last time I held them they were steady and warm.....
why is it when I look at you
I see a faded portrait fallen from it's frame?
A sailor turned
A vessel whose sails have lost their wind.
where are you going?..........
HIS arms encased me as delicately as if I were a precious pearl.
I felt like one there.
As my spirit struggled with this inner war,
HE cared for me
as I lay sleeping,
within the grief stricken corridors of my mind.
HE laid in still quietness at my side awaiting my return.
HE is here, and I need Him to be.
My source
My strength....
My eternal FATHER
My Lord, Jesus.
As we await the passing of my father into our FATHER's Arms.
This is a heart piercer, a hard but masterful read!
This touched me deeply. I too lost my father.
What a poem that touches the heart and penetrates deep int the soul!!!
why is it when I look at you
I see a faded portrait fallen from it's frame?
A sailor turned
A vessel whose sails have lost their wind.
where are you going?.......... "