The Sheets Are Not Yet Warm Enough

Depression Poems

The traces of your love upon my lips

Vanish in the nighttime hours

When all is cold and desolate

I reach my arms for you

...The sheets are not yet warm enough

How solemnity takes me into her embrace

Shedding abundant tears at first--

But then dragging me down in her endless sea

...The sheets are not yet warm enough

Paranoia and loneliness seize my mind

Reeling and screaming for an answer

Sitting alone in this void

...The sheets are not yet warm enough

How dreams twist the mind,

How breakable and flexible they may seem...

How surreal is reality when we live them?

...The sheets are not yet warm enough

And the love you pour into my soul

Fills this growing, bottomless hole

For a while

And I feel warmer...

But when you leave in the dead of the night

...The sheets are not yet warm enough

I am young and unafraid

But fearful of the night

I sit alone under blankets of warmth,


...The sheets will never be warm enough

Oh God, how I wish to live!

To feel your touch, unsecretive!

But until the night where we can lay

In eachother's arms, everyday...

...The sheets will never be warm enough

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this in school, thinking about a dream I woke from last night.  It was so horrible, and all I wanted was to be warmed by his body and soul... But, i'm too young for that to happen every night...

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