It's been too long,

Seems like I've waited a lifetime

Waiting for someone special like you.

I never thought this would happen to me-

You helped me to learn how to care, to feel;

You showed me how it felt to be held,

How it feels to hold someone,

And most important of all, you taught me how to love.

Then you backed off. How could you do this?

To cause me so much pain?

I would never hurt you.

Do you know how loud the silence is,

When the person you care for most,

Won't tell you how they feel?

Blood flows deep and fast;

Deep from love and caring,

Fast to escape the pain.

Painful tears fall like rain,

Washing away the memories; leaving a scar.

But I'll never forget how it felt-

The pain will always stay-it always does.

The emotions and the memories may go,

But the pain continues to grow;

Making it harder for me to love again.

If you truly cared or knew how I felt,

You couldn't do this.

I really wonder....Did you even care?

Blood doesn't always have to flow,

It gets deeper by the minute.

All I ask is that you be honest with how you feel.

There's no commitment or loyalty,

Do you really think you know me?

I don't fit a standard.

What more do you want from me other than my honest feelings?

I'm sorry you don't think you can trust me;

If you really cared, you'd believe me.

You gave me everything I ever dreamed of or ever wanted -

Then turned away.

That hurts more than if you'd never given at all.

I would not ask more of you,

So please don't play with my emotions-anyone can do that.

Be original, be yourself; you're not so bad-

Emotions are a powerful thing.

And love hurts more than hate!

You don't believe me?

Try living without love, will you?

If you feel a stab of pain,

Remember...I felt it too.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

WRITTEN MAY 20, 1994.
This was written when my fiance and I was living in two different states and trying to make it work. Needless to say, it didn't work out.

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this poems kinda fits most of how I'm feeling today, just cause of this that have taken place with me and the person i was with. its great and your a great writer keep it up!