this piece could never do justice

2 how our final early am tryst went down

I felt as dry as a desert

yet my mind was as wet as the sea

if I didn't already mention

or if U had no clue

this encounter-our most intimate

standing on a totally different plane

besides the awkward moment

when our teeth kept touching

I still smile to myself

although this could have been

embarassing it was still

sketched in surrealistic beauty

slow motion in its replay

the calling card

the lobby phone

how we acquired our cervezas and liquor

how we tipped back shots

did U say I looked nice

in my pink off the shoulder blouse?

I blushed my "Why thank you's"

U asked

could U get a hug

U asked

could U get a kiss

how I was so thrilled & giddy like a teen

very compliant

walkin' towards U

we undressed each other

and began 2 begin

my blouse 4 your shirt

My bra for your belt

I removed your feet from the legs

of your jeans

U helped slide my skirt down

my panties 4 your boxers

sneakers tossed

boots stayed

I can feel your hands

caressing my skin still

I can feel your lips

butterfly kiss

my neck, my shoulders, my breasts

most of all

most of all

I can still c U

lying across the bed bare

in all your chocolateness

I sit legs crossed

naked on the floor below

head down arms reachin'

2 feel u

feelin me

your head slightly hangin'over the edge

arms outstretched

as U gently glide your hands

up the length of my back

I peered up

u leaned over

and we met

2 allow our mouths 2 engage

in unsaid emotions

spoken only through a kiss

I just want U 2 know

I just want U 2 Know

how this piece could do no justice

as 2 how entirely


our last early AM tryst played out

how entirely beautiful

loved & warm

U made me feel

no one will ever take that

away from me

not even U

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written 1/11/05@ 11:30pm

View vettie's Full Portfolio
Jada Park's picture

holy shit girl! This was HOT!!!
I am speechless right now.
love the ending.
reminds me of what I am going thru right now...(sigH)