1 hr./20 minutes & $30

An hour and some change ride

2 bathe

4 20 minutes

in your presence

accompanied by your

smile, laughter, & wit

I'd do it again

I was beside myself

ecstatic this particular afternoon

I was so happy, I made it happen

I got $30 then

I got gas then

I got U lunch then

I got on the highway

An hour and some change later

2 bathe 4 20 minutes in your presence


I pawned that diamond ring

I pawned that other gold ring too

Betcha had no clue

what I did

2 be accompanied by your

wit, laughter, & smile

brief yet all the while

my heart leapt

& I'd do it again

for $30

to take

An hour and some change ride

2 bathe




in that happiness

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written 1/12/05 @ 12am

View vettie's Full Portfolio
Jada Park's picture

I really like the flow of this girl. Its simple but really sincere.