After last night


I woke up tired


just profoundfly


the little voice inside me said

U have nothing to prove

U've done what U've said

U would

U've done everything that

U could

U don't have 2 deny your heart this

feeling of love

U've felt it

U've kept it so still & hot

within U

Don't b scared

U'll still feel it

the time is now

to just release it

let it be free so free & warm

about U

this is the little talk

that came

from my gut (thanks)

2 my heart (U'r welcome)

4 my brain 2 hear (really r u listenin' this time?)

this converstaion did not come specifically from

a particular incident

it's just that

I can give this love

U can feel this love

what r u givin'

what am I feelin'

I will never become complacent

when it comes 2 givin'

so U can feel

my love

I only want 2 feel & know

that U love me

I know this

at times I feel this

yet, something has me frightened about this

maybe it's because

I have felt that pain

and that pain

hurt so much

I'm afraid that

U will use your sword

and when I am not looking

when I least expect it

when I bend 2 kiss your hand

that U will use that sword

2 point the tip

ever so gently

into my back

with enough force

that I feel

a twinge of pain

similar in its delivery

as a subtle reminder

to what U felt from me

no matter how unintentional

I own up 2 this

say this word aloud


I love you

U love me

I've heard your words

and so

with that

today I say

like U said

that I will


with what I know

U said

" Why don't you take that and run with it"

sendin' me away

not pushin'

so if this

love is meant 2 b


the next leaves fall

I'm runnin' with what I know

my love 4 U is real


U said U loved me

guess that's all I need

and need to know

Runners take your mark.....

Author's Notes/Comments: 

10/28/04 The key to inner peace is knowing that nothing and no one ever really belongs to you.That's not my quote but somehow that makes my lovin' him so much easier.I feel at peace today.

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Jada Park's picture

i remember this one from defpoetry
and I like it, its true that you never know whats goin to happen and even though it can hurt like hell, u gotta live your life complete. Absolute. And full.

I like this one cuz it describes just that.

love, jada