Your weathering palm


grimy, gritty, sullen as coal

loosely scattered by your

very presence

or lack there of

I kneel 2 bear witness

oily 2 the touch

if rubbed between two delicate fingertips

bitter 2 the tongue if tasted and

taken aback by the nostrils

like the first clean whiff of the opening of an

ammonia bottle

as painful 2 the chest cavity that houses the heart

and abdomen when laboring of kidney stones

I high pitch screams and

mortal moans

while writhing in disdain

trying 2 rid my being

from these

Residues of Depression

Author's Notes/Comments: 


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Karyn Indursky's picture

I can certainly relate to this poem. I'm medicine for my depression/anxiety. It only goes so far, though. I hope you deal with yours in an effective way and continue writing about it. I find it's one thing that helps me channel my energy and away from going back to self mutilation or at least for now. I don't know, but good luck and God bless.